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Nico POV

Shadows swarmed around me. if I was normal I would've suffocated, but I've lived along the shadows long enough to learn a trick or two.

"Why are you doing this?" I hissed at them. A deep, yet light voice replied and it voice made me cringed.

"Well, nice to see you too" nice hissed in a very calm, happy voice which alarmed me greatly.

"Cut the bull crap why. am. I. here"I said with my voice sounding more calm to the point where I even surprised myself.

"We need your boyfriends soul." boyfriend? they knew?

"Yes we know, the shadows see all." they read my mind?

"Yes." they replied. shit.

"Why do you need him? take me instead!" I ordered.

They? him? she? it? let out a bone chilling laugh which froze the air.

"Your soul is going to be a great advantage in the war, but we need a that Leo's soul even more, so we say we'll trade and if he asks us to swear one the river of Styx? I'll say" they paused

"I swear upon the diver of styx." They hissed

"He'll be to busy fighting off our forces to even notice the one little mistake that'll cost both your worthless lives."

No. no no no! how could I be so dumb! I can't even think of a plan without them knowing. i should have tried harder to get out. I just let go. why?

"Because deep inside" their voice softened, "you knew you wouldn't win. it's over, night as well surrender now and if you do you can keep your little boyfriend and live happily ever after, together, but we will need to borrow him from time to time." No, this isn't right. but Leo could be safe? we could be together? but at the price of what?

"Dear boy you'll find out soon enough, now sleep you've had a long day." the shadows let go on their grip a bit.

Darkness surrounded me, but somehow I found it comforting. I felt sleep pulling on my eyes just as soon as they said it.

Do they have powers over me?

I wanted to think about it more, but I could feel myself quickly falling asleep.

My last thought I said out loud hoping some how- some way, Leo could hear me.

"Trap" I mumbled before I was pulled into a deep sleep.


Hey. I'm so sorry I've been busy with doing nothing. <most ppl will understand how good of an excuse that is.

The reason this is so short is because I was going just to post just this authors note, but I hate when ppl so that so here a little chapter.



So this is your choose:

Happy ending, but with a huge plot twist


very very very sad ending


still sad, but sweet and fluffy ending

I have 3 endings in mind, but I'll let you guys choose

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