The shadows

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Leo POV:

"Nico?" I asked and the boy crouched down.

"Yeah?" he answer, yup defiantly Nico, but he looked different. he had little freckles on his nose, his hair was cut, he was no longer really pail and he was wearing a regular blue shirt.

I got up and I hugged him so much he feel to the ground, I kissed him passionately until he pulled away and said,

"I promise I'll always come back to you." And he stuck out his pinky finger.

"Forever" I said

"And always" he finished.

After a very long hug and Nico recalling his adventure, though I felt as if he was leaving some parts out, like why he went to the underworld in the first place or why he had to do all that stuff.

Afterwards we went back to his cabin.


When we got to the bed we both jumped on.

I sat on top of him and started to kiss him softly at first then more rough.

After a bit he started, laughing?

"What?" I asked wondering if I was doing something wrong.

He kept laughing.

"Nothing, it's just I've never... erm." I just noticed I must have takin off his shirt and my hand was playing with his waistband.

"Oh... well if it makes in Any better I haven't either" i confessed.

He moved away from me and put back on his shirt.

"Leo I don't think we should... you know, not yet" he said quietly while looking down.

"Of course, that's fine, I'm just happy your okay" I said a little happily, but to be honest I was kind of scared myself.

"Leo can I confess two things?" he asked.

"Sure?" I said unsure

"Well actually 3,

1 singing for me was really sweet, but please don't do it again unless we're alone" he said.

"Was I that bad?" I asked

"No, well, it's the thought the counts." Ouch.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked and he nodded.

"Okay you look kinda hot" I said blushing admiring his new apperence.

He slapped hand arm playfully.

"Okay next thing" he said them continued, "when I was younger I only lived with Bianca and Percy, Thalia, Annabeth & Grover came and got me when I was 10, so I... Um... Erm..." he trailed off

"Spit it out" I said and he did

"I never learned how a girl and a guy... um, do the do, you know birds and the bees, frickle frackle, and since I don't know that I don't know about guys either..." he looked down his checks bright red.

I almost laughed at how weird he was about it.

After a couple seconds if kindly keeping in my laughter, I started laughing to the point of tears.

"It's not funny!" Nico pouted and after a few minutes I calmed down.

"I go to hell to get your soul and this is what I get. shesh" he mumbles.

"Wait what?" he got my soul back?!

"Shit" and he continued cursing, but in Italian.

"Woah calm yourself, it's fine, but why would you risk your life for soul? and he took my soul? I thought I had it in me until I died?" this was very confusing.

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