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My throat feels like it's being squeezed. The kids are standing here, my nephews are standing here, Kendall, Ethan...

The fact that he didn't cheat, or didn't want to cheat, makes my chest feel tight.

He didn't want anybody else. He didn't want anybody else, but he didn't want me.

He was done with me.

Was the cigarette just a way out for him?

I can't help but wonder if he had wanted to file.

Did he think about it?

He had to have if he threaten me with divorce.

What will I do?

How am I going to live without him?

He's looking at me with a frustrated expression.

Has he just wanted to leave me since I smoked, and he used finding the pack as an excuse?

I'm standing here, staring at my husband, half of my family watching, and I don't recognize him.

I don't recognize myself. I don't recognize anything.

Are we in love still?

This is hardly an argument, more like a realization.

"Audrey." Spencer breaks the silence.

"No." I whisper.

It's too late for us to try to be in love anymore. I don't see the point.

He didn't want to fight for us. He didn't want to fight for me.

Is this the end of us? The end of our chapter?

I shake my head, pressing my finger to my lips when he kissed me.

No lipgloss.

I wish he cheated.


I don't know what's going on in that head of hers, but the look on her face tells me it's really, really not good.

I've seen that look on her face one time in my entire life, and it was the night she left me.

Fear cripples my body.

What's happened to my marriage?

I wrack my mind for the last time we had sex, for the last time I held her hand.

She left for Hawaii and that was it, but before that, it had been a long time.

Have we lost our spark.

I feel like I'm being choked, and it takes me a second to notice she's walked out of the living room.

"Dad, what's going on?" Luca asks.

I swallow, turning around to follow her, nearly tripping over Eloise.

I stumble into our bedroom. She's packing.


"Audrey." I whisper.

Spark or not, I'd kill for this woman.

She's shaking her head repeatedly.

"Spencer, maybe soulmates don't last forever."

"Don't say that." I whisper.

She turns around.

"You didn't cheat on me." She whispers. "And that's even worse. You threaten divorce. That's...that's classified a forbidden word in this house basically, and you said it. You wanted it."

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