"Make sure they don't drive into another bloody church."

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I picked up McDonald's on the way home. When the front door slams, the lot of them walk into the living room.

I turn around, crossing my arms.

"Somebody start talking. Now."

"I told Daddy it was a bad idea." Eloise says.

I look at my husband.

"Why was the seat up so far? How did the window break?"

"The seat was up far because I was...trying to get something from the back." Spencer says. "And the window broke from...the handicap sign."

I stare at my husband, the house silent, watching each other.

I stare him down, my blue eyes piercing his like knives.

"Spencer, tell me the truth."

He swallows.

"I let Declan drive the car. He hit the gas instead of the break, slammed on the breaks the last seconds. I broke the window when I threw my seatbelt off, and the sign came down when I ran it over. It was in my blind spot, I didn't lie about that part. The tire popped when i ran over the post for the sign."

I stare at my husband.

And then I lose it.

"Spencer, what the bloody hell were you thinking?" I yell at him. "You lied to a fucking priest! You just caused us to waste a thousand dollars!"

"We can afford it." He says.

"You-you don't think! You just wasted all this money, lied to a fucking priest, and pulled all four kinds into this bullshit! You're supposed to set an example!"

"If it helps, you already punished us!"

I want to slap the shit out of him, and that's how i know I've reached my limit.

I start shaking my head.

"I'm leaving."

"What?" His eyes get huge. "No. No." He starts to follow me.

"For the night." I snarl. "One night, just to wrap my head around your fucking idiocy!:

"Mummy, don't go!" Eloise calls.

"I will come back when I'm ready." I say, glaring at my husband.

"Juliet, no." Spencer says firmly.

I walk out, slamming the door behind me.


Dammit. She left before. She left before, years ago, when the kids were young, way too young to remember.

She left me.

"Dad?" Declan says.

All of them are old enough to remember this.

I feel like I'm going to throw up.

I turn around to look at the kids.

She left her phone on the counter.

I stare at it.

"Eat." I say when I walk into the kitchen.

"Where did Mum go?" Micah asks.

"I don't know." I say. "Eat your food."

"But Dad-"

"Eat your food." I repeat.

"Daddy." Eloise says, peering at me.

God, she looks just like her mother.

I can't.

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