I hate Australia.

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I stand at the gate, watching the commotion of my family, the excitement, because in a couple of minutes, we leave for Australia. A month has passed and Spencer is same old Spencer, opening doors and being great.

Everyone is being great.

"Last chance to back out?" I try, standing at the entrance to the plane, looking at my family.

"No Mummy, we're going to Australia!"

This is such a bad idea.

"Alright, let's go."

Micah is only nine, Luca is only ten, and Declan is only eleven.

There's no way I want them alone. I grab Eloise's hand.

"Don't let go of me." I tell her.

"Okay." She says.

So we push onto the plane, and I move fast, shoving Micah, Declan, and Luca into a row in front of Spencer, Eloise and I. I let Eloise have the window seat because she's eight and I've taken this flight more times than I'd have liked to. Spencer puts me in the middle and goes on the edge.

It's about 1:30 in the afternoon here.

"Where's Mum and Dad?" I hear Micah ask Luca.

"Behind you." Spencer says.


When we are well settled in the air, I nudge my husband.

"Romeo, I've got a bad feeling about this." I whisper. He looks down at me.

"It's gonna be fine." He says. I shake my head.

"I'm telling you, we're going to run into somebody or...or something is going to happen. I'm telling you that something is going to go wrong, and, and I need you to promise you'll take care of me, okay? If something happens."

He looks concerned.

"Jules." He says softly, brushing my hair out of my face. "Sweetheart, everything is going to be fine, but if it's not, I'll be your night in shining armor." He grins. "Til death do us part." He puts his hand on my chest.

I cry to scowl, but it's replaced by a smile.

"I love you baby." I say softly.

"I love you too."

Eloise isn't paying attention to us.

"What happens when the kids want to find P Sherman?" He asks.

"Well..." I hesitate, frowning. "I don't know hun."

"We have to initiate a plan." He says.

"Next to our eight year old?" I whisper. He looks over my shoulder at Eloise and sighs.

"We will figure it out." I pat his thigh.


When we reach our layover and walk off the plane, the second we clear the gate, I stop walking. Our family is crammed behind me.

"What?"Dad asks. "What's the matter?"

I can't believe my eyes.

I look at my husband, who looks at me.

"What?" Ethan demands.

I walk off, walking to the Starbucks.

It looks the same. The tables haven't been rearranged.

The lights are the same. The only difference is the posters on the wall. I stare at the table for two.

"Mummy? What's wrong?"

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