Chapter Twenty

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9th July 2016, London, United Kingdom

"Aren't you ready soon?" I hear a dark voice say and I hear how the handle to the door easily moves. What the hell..I unlock the door and I walk out from the bathroom. I meet those two big blue eyes that sometimes makes my knees weak, but not today, at least not right now.

- "Your parents aren't here in five minutes or so, please you should calm yourself down." I say with a slightly annoying voice as I walk straight through the hall to go firmly towards the kitchen. Today I'm not in the mood, at least not this morning. I don't know, I really do not have a bad morning mood but it was as if someone pressed a button and the anger fell over me. Especially above Nicholas. I'd rather be sleeping through the day but instead Nicholas woke me up. I know he hates waking me up, not because I'm getting unpleasant with my mood (which I'm not.) but just because he does not like it. It may be stupid to constantly blame this on your pregnant hormones, but at the moment, I have to be irritated because of hormones. And the idea of that Nicholas has stressed me the whole morning. I'll fix my blush pink blouse and lean over the kitchen counter. I see in the corner of my eyes that Nicholas enters the kitchen.

- "Gabbie, what's up with you today?" Nicholas asks with an anxious voice. I'm just shaking my head towards him.

- "Don't stress me" I just say and roll my eyes towards him. Nicholas leans next to me against the kitchen counter. He tries to make me laugh when he gives me that ridiculous gorgeous smile at me when he looks at me. I bite myself in the lower lip.

- "I hate when we start fighting." he says a bit low and I try to bite my lips harder. Is this a fight? This is just good communication? I'm just shaking my head. But I see those blue eyes show a thoughtfulness. Okay. I will not try to get so annoyed. Get it together Gabriella. Just then, we hear how someone is pressing on our doorbell. Shit. They are already here. Nicholas rises to walk to the front door. I take two deep breaths and try to count to ten. Take it easy. I hear the background voices and footsteps that comes closer to the kitchen. I open my eyes and see Marie wearing black suit trousers and a dark blue blouse walking in to the kitchen. She always had a good taste for clothes and matching in a way that's gorgeous. She immediately jumps towards me and gives me a hug. But not too hard, just because of my stomach that is almost giant but it's not only that. My breast has become something else..massive. 

- "You are glowing, Gabriella!" says Marie and gives me her biggest smile. She looks down on my stomach and then on me. I have not even completed this pregnancy but I feel so big, or I rather would say that I feel swollen. I'm in week 19 and I can't think that it's few months left and this belly is getting bigger. Oh my god. But I know I have such days, even I used to have my period. I see Sam come with a small white basket wrapped with cellophane. He walks toward me and Marie moves.

- "There you are, my darling!" says Sam, causing me to blush every time when I hear him call me that and Nicholas to be annoyed every time he hears that. I can see his annoyed face just infront of me. "I took the liberty to give you some good vitamins for my baby." he says and I see Nicholas that's roll with his eyes towards that comment. The rest of us just laughs at him, he can be so weird sometimes.  "And of course it's some dark chocolate and other good things in there." Sam continues, and I receive the little basket. I get very moved and look down into the basket and there are vitamin cans and a lot of chocolate. I smile at him and give him a quick hug. "I'm just a doctor, but I always recommend taking these vitamins to my patients." he says, smiling at me. Sam is really caring, he has been like that since I met him. I think my child is going to have the best uncle ever, or the weirdest.

- "You don't some  vitamins against extreme mood swings?" I hear Nicholas say and this time Sam laughs and I also see Steve starts to laugh. I turn my frustrating gaze towards Nicholas and he tries to give me that smile that makes my knees weak. Not today Mr Garnett. He really does not understand that he can't be like that to me today, because I'm just too easily annoyed. 

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