Chapter Ten

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I take one last sip from my water glass and immediately sets it down on the kitchen counter, so hard as it echoes in the glass. I meet two fantastic blue eyes when I look up from the kitchen counter.

- "Stressed?" Nicholas asks and he gives me a serious look. There is no doubt that I am stressed, I'm late for work, and it takes at least 20 minutes to drive to the office. I just nod my head and Nicholas rolls his eyes immediately at me. Sam told him that he should be home for a couple of days even though the other doctors had given him the okay to actually go back and work. But, then when did Nicholas began to listen to the people? And above all, a doctor? And his brother.

- "Aren't you going to work?" I ask and I look at my beautiful fianceé. He's sitting on one of those high kitchen chairs next to the kitchen counter. He just shakes his head and takes a sip from his coffee cup.

- "I have a doctor's appointment and then I promised Mom to have lunch with her." He says and I smile at him. I walk towards him and kisses him lightly on his cheek. That's right, doctor. I told him that he should actually visit a doctor at least who could see that he was really doing well, the last thing I want is to have an overworked or ill fianceé.

- "Say hello to your mum from me," I say, but he takes a firm grip on my hips and looks at me, straight into my eyes, and his gaze burns within me.

. "Take a day off .." he says with a low and deep voice, and I know exactly what it means. He is very selfish and filthy, and especially at this moment. I shake my head for once. "Can't I give you a ride to work at least? I still have to get into town." He says and gets up from the chair.

- "Mr Garnett, then we must hurry, I have to work!" I say, and immediately he smiles at me. Corners of his mouth go up and he smirks at me.

- "You will see how fast car I got," he whispers a little low and put his arms around me. I can't help but smile, he says this kind of thing to the wrong person.

- "Your fianceé happens to be a lawyer, you should know what I do with those speeders like you" I say and I feel a firmer grip on my hips. I can't help but groan a little low when he presses his long fingers against my hips, but it's the lawyer in me that takes its actual responsibility and me pushes Nicholas lightly. "I really have to work." I say and he just nods at me.

Mr Garnett, an early bird and a bit charmer this morning.


I step out immediately from the lift and check on my watch, damn the clock is already 8:45 am. I'll actually am an hour ago late, but trust me. A certain Mr Garnett was driving way too fast, way too fast. Not even legally, and I could not with my far too clumsy mouth tell him that this is not okay, which led to the child within my fianceé himself to drove faster. It was a miracle that no one got injured nor the police saw him, it was enough that I got to experience it. I go to the front desk and right away, as usual, stands the receptionist up and she sees me. I'm rude this time, nodding just on my head towards her. I walk briskly toward my office and I hear behind me a couple of quick steps running. I turn away and look at the receptionist who runs after me. Is she angry? Damn. I'm late, I don't have time for this stuff.

- "Miss Johnson!" She says, and I can't help but sigh.

- "Good morning to you too, but I'm unfortunately late and-" I just say when I quickly open up the door into my office and see a man standing inside my office.

- "You have a visitor," she says, and I look at her and I nod only towards her. A young man with dark hair looks at me. Damn. I walk in and shut the door behind me.

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