Chapter Sixteen

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3th June 2016, Stockholm, Sweden.

I immediately feel a hand that's touching me lightly over my breasts. I open my eyes in a nanosecond. I feel how someone is closer to me and kisses me at the bottom of my jaw line. I start to moan and feel how a hand takes a firmer grip over my very sore breasts. It's my sore breasts that makes me take away the hand from them. I see how those blue eyes are watching me and I give him a smile that I hope makes it all easier.

- "Is something wrong?" Nicholas asks, leaning over me, pulling his hand through my fluffy brown hair.

- "My breasts. They are just too sore right now." I replicate, and I immediately see the panic in his eyes. I do think its kind of see that worries in his eyes, but I don't want him to panic. He is a master of magnifying problems that may be really small so you hardly even need to care about them. He immediately gets up from the bed.

- "Should I call the doctor? I have a good doctor here in Stockholm, "he continues, and I just start laughing and at least shaking my head to him. He is so ridiculous that it makes him so cute, which makes me just want to throw me over him and just get to know him more...

-"Nicholas, it's quite normal to feel like this." I respond and immediately I roll with my eyes towards him. Even because I knew that a pregnancy could be a challenge within some limits, but waking up and not knowing what your body will be is something that makes it the real challenge. Nicholas rises from bed and picks up his phone. There is my husband who I will marry about exactly one week. He cannot be serious. He's standing there with black tight pants. He looks like a fucking model, and he will be my husband in a week. I have soon completed my first trimester of pregnancy and we will be parents in a few months. It's so insane. While I'm thinking of my child's fathers pants I can see how my very worried hubby starts to dial a number on his phone. "Hello! It's normal! " I cry  out and waving my hands while I'm trying to get up from my bed. His blue eyes looks questioning at me.

- "I want to be on the safe side this time," he says with a certain determined voice, just as nobody can convince him right now. But maybe I can take on that challenge..

-"Then maybe we should had safe sex from the very beginning, just to make it safe" I say with a little low voice and I roll my eyes towards him. I wonder what he really thinks with sometimes. Nicholas looks straight at me with his big eyes.

- "I'll keep that in mind until next time." he says, giving his laughing smile to me. He takes his phone with a firmer grip of his hand and hold it up against his ear. Damn. Is he really calling about my sore breasts? I know that this man is crazy, but right now he is beyond that. Oh my god, that's my crazy man.


I'm about to turn that page as I see how Nicholas walks back and forth in the waiting room. He's absolutely incredible sometimes. Sure, I'm also nervous. I am also worried that we will lose this baby too, but at the same time I know how my body has reacted since I found out that I was pregnant. I don't know, but maybe I've only imagined my symptoms? Fuck.

- "Miss Johnson and Mr Garnett!" Says a woman wearing dark blue clothes, looking like a nurse. I get up immediately from the chair and face Nicolas panic-stroke face. I know this is hard for him, but I know no matter what, we can handle this. Just as we walk, I take harder grip of his hand and his panicked eyes looks at me. I take a step closer to him and try with my quietest voice to keep calm for both of us.

- "No matter what, we'll get through this!" I say, and it's as if I see a smile from his eye and he nods to me and gives me a quick kiss. We can handle this.

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