Chapter Eight

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I'm flipping through a gossip magazine. Gossip isn't really my thing, but in times like this when you really do not have anything else to do rather than to sit in a chair and let the hairdresser go crazy on your hair. I managed to convince Mads that I would get to take the morning off to go to the hairdresser. We have worked hard with our legal case, and we have begun to see small glimpses of hope that we can actually make it work. We had worked night and day, which has meant that I have not been spending as much time as I would have liked with Nicholas. Sure, we've had our gnabbs and he, the workaholic himself have requested that I need at least one evening free. Sometimes I regret that I chose this job as a lawyer, but at the same time, I love it. But now Christmas is coming, we will have time for each other, tomorrow we celebrate our first Christmas Eve together. Thus the Swedish Christmas Eve, which takes place on 24 December is today so I'm quite sad actually. I have to work during the day, but my fiancé promised me that we would try to eat a Swedish Christmas dinner in the evening. The risk is that we will have to go to IKEA and eat their Swedish Christmas dinner as they tend to have at the restaurant. But for me it does not matter, only I get to be with him. Nicholas chose to call my parents and tell them that we couldn't come to Sweden for Christmas, I've really not had time for it. Which I can only imagine the disappointment of my parents could be. But Nicholas said that they did understand and accepted it. However, I promised to try to call my mom now before Christmas. And it's Christmas in Sweden today...Great Job Gabbie!

- "So, have you started planning the wedding yet?" I hear a voice say. I look into the mirror and see my hairdresser stand there and cut my hair. Damn. Oh. Right. The wedding. Neither I nor Nicholas had time to even think about it. The only thing we have talked about is the thing is that I want to have a summer wedding but Nicholas wants a wedding in the spring. But as it looks now, I do not even know if we would have time to plan a wedding. We work and I think our pretty messed up lives will continue.

- "Well, we're still disagree about when we want to have the wedding" I reply. My hair stylist Mimi, a slender woman with perfect brown hair. She looks like a stylist because she really cares about her look. She gives me a smile and continue to cut my hair.

- "Well, I think he's easily persuaded. When you come home to him today, waving the hair a little and right there beautiful as you are, you'll see that you get a summer wedding." she says and we both laugh. If she only knew how stubborn my fiancé really is. He does not even know that I'm at the hairdresser today, so I think he will get a shock. Mads would fix the last Christmas gift this in the morning and then I took the opportunity to get some private time. Furthermore, I would need time to buy a Christmas present for Nicholas. But what? "Wait here, I need to get some hairspray!" says Mimi and I nod my head to her. What do you buy a man who already has everything? And as what can I get him? Mimi runs back to me and immediately start styling my hair. "So, what do you think?" Mimi asks and I look at myself in the mirror. My long brown hair with loose curls and so my new bang. I like it. I haven't had a haircut since I moved to London, it was a while since my fiancé saw me in a messy bang. I smile to myself and think of the first time we met. I with my medium-length hair with bangs that made me looked like a young girl. Wonder what Nicholas thought? Now, right now, I see myself in the mirror and I see a young woman. And let this young woman show the world what she goes for...


"Wow, is that you?" says Mads when I get back to my office. I try not to blush, it would not be that great to start blushing of a colleague's compliments. I put down all the big bags I have. "And you went shopping too?" Mads says and laughing. I smile at him and close my office door behind me. I walk to my desk to take off my black winter coat.

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