Chapter Four

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I run down the stairs that go down to the main hall. Damn. I can't keep on doing this, getting up from my bed way too late. It's too early morning and of course, I'm late, I can blame on my laziness. But no, I got no time to blame myself. I take quick steps into our new kitchen. I see a man sitting on our kitchen island, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. I get butterflies in my stomach. I smile when I come into the kitchen. Nicholas looks up to me. He puts down the paper takes another sip of his coffee.

-"I didn't know my fiancée was an early bird, " he says with a sound of sarcasm in his voice that only he could have. I can't help but roll my eyes at him. I turn around and taking down a glass. "We need to go in ten minutes and you haven't had your breakfast yet.." he says with his usual strict but firm voice. But not even that voice can ruin my day. I fill up my glass with water and turn around to see Nicholas. He looks serious and rigorous, but with a kind of elegance. He is wearing his grey suit today, and it happens to be one of my favourites. He looks so good.

- "I was going to have breakfast in the office today with Mads. We have a few things to go through" I reply, and drink out of my water glass. Nicholas nods lightly with his head and drinks the rest of his coffee cup. I put away my glass and walk towards Nicholas. He looks up at me, taking his arms around me and let me sit in his lap. He holds me tightly and kisses me lightly on my cheek. His hand caressing lightly over my dress and I immediately start giggling. "We have to go now .." I say. I get up and he too. I try to fix my dress.

- "I like your dress, it's so different, " he says and I smile. I'm wearing a red dress with a floral print on it. It is long-sleeved, and perfect for an autumn day in London. He puts on his black coat and he put down his phone in his pocket. He looks like a real businessman such a model to look at in a Burberry ad. I turn around and walk towards the hall to get my trench coat and my bag. Nicholas opens the door and shows with his hand that I may walk before him. "Ladies first," he says and gives me a wink. I can't help but to blush, I smile quickly at him and go out to our car. He still makes me blush as if I were a little schoolgirl. Naughty boy. 


I step off the elevator and walk past the front desk. There is a new girl working here at the front desk, I don't recognise her. Immediately, she sets herself up and nods to me and says, "Good morning Miss Johnson". I'm shocked and nodding my head towards her and wish her a nice morning too. I walk into the long hallway with all the lawyer's offices. Unfortunately enough my office is farthest away from the front desk. Good enough I'm actually used to walking around with these heels. I see someone standing outside my office, the person sees me and waves. I walk with longer strides and faster. It's Mads. He wears a dark blue suit and his dark blond hair is as usual quite messy. He smiles at me, and I to him.

-"Welcome back Gabbie!" He says, opening his arms to hug me, I get surprised once again, but I give him a hug. It will be a quick hug, I think we both realised how embarrassing it really is. "I hope you feel better .." he says, and I nod at him. Mads really called me down those weeks I was away. Of course, I didn't answer, which led to Nicholas office got called down. Eventually, Mads got the number to Nicholas and called him. Nicholas told him everything, and I'm happy. Because I could not, and I can't have more secrets as well for my fiancée but also for my colleague. He'd be so disappointed if I didn't tell him the truth. I grab the handle to my office door and I walk into it. The autumn sun shines into my office as I enter. I hear Mads talking danish to me in the background but I stop listening when I step into my office and look over my desk. It is a big basket with cellophane around it. A large pink bow hangs on the basket. I walk closer to my desk and look down into the basket. There are all kinds of baby things in there. I feel how the world stops and how I start breathing heavier. Who knows about this? There hangs a card, I snatch it fast and open it.

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