Chapter Two

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I pull the duvet over my head. I feel the anxiety begins to grow stronger within me. I can't stop thinking about what happened. Why? I shake my head slightly. I feel how someone pulls the duvet off from my head. I look up immediately and I see two blue eyes staring at me. He gives me a little smile. And once I start crying again. Without reason, without nothing. Nicholas throws his arms around me and holds me tight.

- "Please, don't cry" I hear him say. But I can't listen to his words, I just can't. He looks at me. "Gabbie" he just says with a low voice and hugs me hard one last time. I try to wipe away my tears with my hands. Nicholas caressing my cheek. "I laid out some clothes for you," he says, and I nod at him. It has been three week since all that happened. I was ordered to stay home from work, but if truth be told, I had not managed to go to work anyway. I've been trapped in this. The only thing I think about is what I have lost. Me and Nicholas would become parents. I don't even know if the shock has subsided yet. But it's a great emptiness I feel within me. Nicholas gets up from the bed and fixes his blue shirt. I rise also from the bed and I walk to one of the sofas in our bedroom and I look at the clothes that Nicholas have chosen for me. It's a black dress with small printed flowers. It's good enough for today. I walk into the bathroom and put on my clothes. Nicholas has been so nice and taking care of everything while I'm crying my eyes out for these past few weeks. He has been working from home for the past week, I asked him to do it. I need him. I lost the desire to everything, I couldn't get out of bed for several days until Nicholas actually forced me to take a walk. He has been so strong with all this, stronger than I ever will be. I don't really know what I would do without him. I look at myself in the mirror. I look horrible, miserable.  I roll my eyes towards myself. I look down on the bathroom counter and see that Nicholas has set my make up bag and also my perfume bottles up in a nicely way. I smile to myself. My Nicholas. I shake my head. Maybe I need to start being myself again, the happy me. 


I walk through the kitchen and sees Nicholas sit at the table and read the newspaper as he always does. I pull out one of the chairs and sit opposite to him. He looks up from the newspaper and gives me a smile. Mrs. Potts walks up to me.

- "Gabriella, what do you want for breakfast? We have fresh fruit if you want "she says, and I look up to her. I haven't eaten so well in these past few weeks. Food would be good. I look at Nicholas, who is waiting for my answer. 

- "I would be happy with some fruit and a sandwich too, please," I say and she lights up like a sun. She turns around and walks back into the kitchen. Nicholas takes a sip from his coffee.

- "I thought if you want to stop by and check on our house after we visit the doctor today?" Nicholas says. I look up at him. The house. Damn. I have completely forgotten that we are renovating our house. I don't know if I'm ready to go there, I feel just to do something else, blend in with the people of London and forget about things. I get an idea.

-"I don't know, I thought maybe we could check out some things to the house?" I say a bit low. Nicholas looks at me and he's shocked. 

-"We can do that," he says and gives me a smile. Just then, Mrs. Potts comes with my breakfast. I smile at her. Nicholas continued to stare at me, as if he'd never seen me before. But I look into his eyes that there is something wrong.  Maybe I should ask him how he is feeling? I don't want him to be sad or feel as I do. I shake my head. Stop with your thoughts. I give a sigh and I start eating my breakfast.


We sit inside the doctor's waiting room. Nicholas drums lightly with his fingers over his knees. I look around in the waiting room. It's an older woman in here too. She is reading some gossip magazine and looks very peaceful. I lean a little light on my head. Just then I heard the doctor call out my name. Nicholas and I rise from our chairs and we get shown into the female doctor's room. She asks us to sit down in the chairs inside her offices. She sits in her chair and looks at me and Nicholas.

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