Chapter 13

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Hey guys! Who's ready for another chapter? Oh well I guess of your not up to it then... wait what?! Oh ok fine here you go. I present you Chapter 13!

"So Charlie what have you been up to in school lately?" She glares at me from across the table.   "Oh nothing really. Just a few projects some cheer leading routines... that kind of thing."

By the time dinner is over my cheeks hurt from smiling too much. Honestly I don't think anyone has ever smiled that much in their entire life. Ugh! I might have to vomit.

I wake up and get ready for the day. I'm wearing my gray Roxy shirt with my black leggings and mid calf high boots.

I enter the school and notice Trenton near my locker. He doesn't notice me. I sneak up and whisper "boo" in his ear. He jumped so high I thought he touched the roof! "Damn it Lilly! Don't do that to me!"

I almost died laughing! "Sorry! But you're too dang vulnerable." I open my locker while I fill Trenton in on what happened the night before. " So she thinks your happy." Trenton said in a mischievous tone. "Yea, she seemed weird last night though." " What do you mean?" "She seemed tired, but not like sleepy tired. She seemed to be tired of all the drama." " Maybe she is."

I walk into English and find that the only available seat is next to Ryder. Great! "Hey!" he says with a hopeful smile. " Hi" I said looking down at the floor. He quickly looked away.

We had a substitute. He smelt like stinky feet. Ryder dropped a piece of paper on the ground. I looked down and saw my name written on it. I slowly and quietly scooped it up off the floor. He smells like stinky cheese right? Or is that just me?" I tried not to laugh. "I think it's you! Lol jk he stinks!!! I handed it back. He laughed really loud and everyone looked at him. I giggled a little while trying to hold back my real laugh.

Ryder leaned over and whispered, "sit with me at lunch?" "And what would you do if I said no?" I asked. "I would lock myself in this room with all the doors and windows closed!" "OMG I would never ask you to do that." "So that's a yes?" "Of course I will sit with you."

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of sitting with Ryder again.

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-Xoxoxoxo 👼😇

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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