chapter 4

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                                                                  chapter 4

I stood there dumb founded. My brother and only friend at school is getting suspended? I couldn't believe what I was hearing and I didn't want to believe it.

   "For how long?" I asked. "3 months but don't worry you will be safe because Ryder will take care of you for me" This was the first I recognized my brothers very attractive friend standing by the principals office. "Hey" he said nodding his head. "Hi" I said back shyly. 

     I sighed and started to leave with my brother when Ryder stopped me. " We might need to get to know each other before we start hanging out a lot just so it's not awkward."  " OK come over to my house then, since your already friends with my brother." " deal" he said laughing. God he had an amazing laugh I just had to smile. " Ugh get a room!" Evan said interrupting us and rolling his eyes. 

   We all started laughing when Charlie came in. " Did I just hear the Slut laughing? That's odd since I never thought she knew how too, I mean come on her life is living hell and i'm so proud to say it's because of me!" " Is that Charlie I hear in the hall?" we all turned to see the principal. I hope he heard that but of course he didn't." Mr. Dod how are you?" Charlie asked all politeish. "Ohhh Charlie you know why you are here. Because you helped Josh recover you will get a reward now come in to my office and we will discuss what it will be" I watched as the skinny pale light brown haired girl walked off with the principal.

   We arrived at my house and I could smell cake from outside. We stepped in to see my mom in an apron with her hair up in a messy bun. She poked her head out and saw Ryder my brother and myself standing there. " Hey kids! Is your friend staying for a while?" she asked in a polite voice. " yea but we will be up in my room" I said trying to dodge her but she had to bring out the cake before we could make a run for it. "Cake?" she asked handing us a plate with three pieces of chocolate cake. "Thanks!" Ryder said taking the cake and walking up the stairs behind me.

       Evan flopped down on my bed throwing his bag across the room. This happens often after school. "Dude you don't have to be nice to my mom. she acts all innocent and polite but believe me she isn't!" Evan said taking a piece of cake and starting to nibble on it. " I hate being rude to people it's not like me to be like that." I took a piece of cake and started eating it.

      I got lost in my thoughts when I was interrupted by Ryder asking me a question, "so Lilly what do you like to do for fun?" "I like reading and I like to write or draw but i'm not good at either." " oh I bet that's not true. Evan said your a great artist and he said he loves reading your stories" " Evan talks to much" I said jokingly making everybody crack up.

     After about an hour of getting to know each other Ryder left. I felt better about having to hang out with Ryder at school, he was really nice and he had an amazing smile and laugh. He was also really strong and I trusted him. My mom was acting really nice to me which was incredibly weird. I was actually getting kind of scared. I was doing my math homework when my mom told us it was dinner time. I sat down and my mom brought me some spaghetti.

    Evan handed me the Parmesan cheese and I put some on my spaghetti when my mom started talking. " Guys I have some news! I have a boyfriend and I really want you guys to meet him in fact he is coming over this weekend to have lunch with us. I want you guys to be on your best behavior." " Ya whatever. I guess I will try to be nice to whoever this guy is." I said. The rest of the night was quiet and all I could think about was meeting this guy my mom is dating. He has to be weird if he is dating her.

       When I got to school Ryder was waiting by my locker. " Morning gorgeous!" he said cheerfully. " Did you just call me gorgeous?" I asked giggling. He turned red and after a while he couldn't help but laugh. "Anyway I heard Charlie got  to create  any school activity she wanted for free and she chose cheer-leading. So now her and her friends are the cheerleaders of the school and i'm sure you can guess who the head cheerleader is." He said with a sarcastic smile. "Great! Now she is a cheerleader like seriously how much power does she need. She already ruined my life and other peoples lives. Whats next?" " She needs as much power as possible she is just ridiculous." We stood there chatting about her for a while until the bell rang.

         At lunch I kept getting weird stares but I thought it was just because I was hanging out with Ryder. Who I soon found out to be liked by many many girls ( not surprising). I was peacefully laughing and joking around with Ryder when the 'cheerleaders' came over. I got nervous when Charlie asked to speak to me alone. I said she could say whatever she wanted to say in front of Ryder too because I was going to tell him anyway. " Well it looks like my dad is dating your mom and I have to live through lunch with you on Saturday. I'm telling you now don't expect me to be nice and just for the record neither will my dad. I told him about you and he agrees with me that your a slut." with that she walked away throwing Ryder a flirty wave and winking which got me surprisingly jealous.

       So the guy my mom is dating and the guy I have to meet on Saturday is my enemies dad? I can't believe I have to sit through lunch with her on Saturday. How am I going to live through the weekend? I guess that explains all the stares people must know that Charlies dad is dating my mom. As long as we don't have to live together and they don't get married I will be fine.

        Hey guys sorry its short I literally wrote it today i have been so busy this week any who, What do y'all think of it so far? Do you think Ryder and Lilly will date? Do you think Charlies dad will get married to Lilly's mom? What do you think will happen when Charlie comes over for lunch? Next update will probably be in 2 weeks because i am really busy this week and i can probably write it next week. Don't be afraid to send me messages or follow me i will defiantly check out your pages and if there is any book you want me to read send me a message with the name of the book and the author.

  - Xoxoxo

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