Chapter 11

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Trenton stood there against the tree. He looked tired like he hadn't slept in days. " how long have you been here?" I asked. " not long but I couldn't sleep last night. Alana came by and we hung out for a while and when she had to go I walked her out and she ...." He paused to look at me. He started smiling, he looked happy.

" she kissed me" he said wiggling his eyebrows. I giggled but quickly realized that that was why Charlie hurt Alana. It was because of Trenton. Why is that girl so in love with him???? It's really, really creepy!!!!

We stood there for a while in a comfortable silence. I looked up and saw Trenton drawing in the dirt with the end of his shoe. He had his hands in his pockets and was still leaning against the damn tree.

The silence finally broke when I said I had to go. I darted down the little hill and around the corner. "ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed when I saw Evan standing there without warning. " Gosh Evan! what are you doing here?" I asked in a hushed voice. " Well... Uh?.... funny story really." he said looking nervous. I gave him a stare that basically said tell me or I will have to force it out of you. He gave in and finally said " I was spying on you and Trenton. I couldn't help it I wanted to know what happened too." It was rushed but I caught it all.

I didn't care. " what ever. Can we go I'm freezing out here." Well that was a huge lie. I just wanted to see the whole blow up on Facebook about Alana.

There was tons of stuff on Facebook. Some were saying ' praying for Alana <3' and there were some saying ' She deserved it anyway' and then some who just didn't know what was going on. But Charlies stood out, only because she was being fake as fu**.

Hers read ' just heard what happened about Alana. :( hope she is ok she is a little angel and most of all my bestie. I love her so much hope she pulls through.:)' I can't believe her.

I got up the next morning and got ready for school. I grabbed my bag and started to leave when my mom stopped me. I turned to face her when I noticed Charlie sitting there crying. " Are you gonna say anything to your friend?" " Oh! I didn't know Ryder was here? Oh wait he isn't my friend either." I said really bitchy trying to avoid Charlie's eyes. " Charlie's friend is in the hospital. Now you are going to say you feel bad right now!" I could feel Charlie's eyes burning into me as she sat there and stared. She knew I knew something I could see it in the way she looked at me.

I walked over to her and leaned down. " no matter how many tears escape from your eyes you can never cry away your pain. I know from experience." I whispered. " I don't know what your playing at but it needs to stop." "Why should I? you never did." " My best friend is in the hospital have some sympathy." she said loud enough for my mom to hear. " Ya I heard and I have a good idea who did it too" I said giving her a look that told her I knew.

"Bye Charlie!" I said smiling so it looked like I felt bad. I walked out and smiled. For once in my life I'm winning.

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