Chapter 7

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I woke up in the backyard? I knew Charlie had something to do with it.

         I stormed into the house and stamped upstairs. Ryder was on my bed. I walked over to him and he just looked at me with a strange hint of fright glaring in his eyes. " Ryder? Whats wrong?" I reached out and grabbed his hand. He looked down at our hands and  tightened his grip. He stared down for a while until returning my gaze.

     My hair fell into my face and he gently moved it. "Lilly don't say anything until I'm done talking OK?" I nodded and he continued. " I........."

         I rolled over and shut my alarm off.  That was the first time I ever had a dream about a guy let alone a romantic dream about one. I groaned and rolled over. If only it was that easy to hold his hand in the real world. Every time he comes near me I freak out a little.

       I pushed him out of my mind and got up. I did the usual morning routine you know Shower, Shave,Brush hair and teeth, eat. I cleaned up my mess in my brothers room and then went to find him.  I walked past the backdoor and saw my brother playing soccer outside.  I ran upstairs and got into my old soccer uniform ( surprisingly it still fit).  I threw my hair up and ran outside.

           He kicked the ball at the net and I launched myself at it only too miss it by and inch. "I wanna play!" I said innocently. "Haha alright pass it here."  We started playing when I kicked the ball too far. I ran to get it from the bushes but it wasn't  there? I ran around the area looking for it when I heard someone clear their throat.  I looked up to see Charlie tossing the ball around from hand to hand.

         "What do you want" I said sounding more like a jerk than I wanted to.  " I'm warning you one more time to stay away from Ryder! If I have to tell you once more you will wish you were never born." " What can you possibly do to me to make me wish I was never born? That is of course besides breathing the same air as me." I took the ball smiled and walked away.

            "What took you so long?"   Evan asked as he saw me step out of the forest. I looked back and saw Charlie standing across the forest watching me leave.  "Nothing just couldn't find it" I said trying to be convincing. "Well c'mon kick it here" " I don't really want to play anymore sorry Evan" I said putting the ball down and going inside.

          I changed into some normal clothes and plugged in my head phones and listened to some music on my Ipod.  I may have looked convincing out there but truth is I was scared as to what she might do to me. I mean she could do anything, but do I really want to ruin my friendship with Ryder because I'm scared?

         Evan quietly came into my room and plopped on my bed beside me. We were quiet for a while. Was I ready to tell him? NO! " Whats wrong it's not like you to pass up a soccer game" It's nothing now can you go?" Why am I being so rude? " Lilly?" " Please go" He left and I just sat there curled up in a ball thinking of what I was going to do about Charlie.

        Hey guys so I am assuming you heard that I am putting this book on hold. And if you didn't hear that well yes it's true I am. I just want to say you guys can expect alot coming.

         - Xoxoxoxo ;P

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