Chapter 8

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I hit the floor with a thud! "OWWWWW" I shouted out. "Lilly what happened?" Ryder said bursting into my room to help me up. "I fell out of bed and hit  my arm on my computer chair" I explained taking his hand and standing up. I looked up and saw a very attractive shirtless Ryder laughing at me. God he had a great laugh. Off track Lilly off track. I thought shaking my head.

                 " Did you sleepover last night?" I asked trying to distract my self from his abs. "Yea I got here really late and your brother said you were acting weird so I didn't want to wake you up." "Oh"  It went quiet for a while. " well anyway I gotta go get your brothers sorry butt out of bed then we can all hangout somewhere. K?" "K see ya late" He laughed at my failed attempt to be cool and left me there in my pajamas holing my hurt arm. See ya late WTF Lilly! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I thought mentally face palming.

              I got dressed into my off the shoulder top that fades from white to torquoise and says forever young on it in black sequince with cute denim jean shorts and white flip flops. I put my hair in a pony tail and put on some  light makeup. I grabbed my thin sweater off the hanger and shut my bedroom door behind me.

               I went to Evans room but they weren't there so I just went downstairs thinking they would be there, but they weren't. I decided to call them, starting with Evan. He will always answer me on like the second ring. I typed in his number and held the phone to my ear.  6 rings until I was sent to voicemail. I called Ryder thinking my brother was just mad that I yelled at him and didn't want to talk.

        The same thing happened 6 rings then voicemail. Ok something was wrong they weren't answering their phones, they weren't in the house so where could they be? I felt a cold breeze come from the kitchen. I walked in slowly and noticed the back door was open a crack like someone couldn't close it all the way.  I ran outside and saw drips of blood on the ground.  I hadn't realized I was shaking until I fell.

             I sat there in the grass crying and praying they were ok. I looked at my shirt which was now covered in tear stains and mascara and remebered the day I got it.

       I was turning 14 and I saw this shirt in a store window and wanted it so bad but I couldn't aford it so I had to leave it. On my birthday Evan surprized me by throwing a small P.J party with just the two of us and my sister. It was midnight when he dragged me downstairs to the party and the first thing I saw was the shirt hanging up on the stairs railing. That was definatly the best party I ever had and I never wanted to take my shirt off. It's still my favourite shirt.

         I stopped crying and went inside to clean up. I fixed my makeup and got the tear stains and mascara off my shirt. I stood in Evans room looking out the window at the backyard. I watched the flowers lean a little when the wind blew and I watched the grass flow.  I was watching a bird hop along the grass when I noticed the soccer ball outside. Then it all clickedCharlie did this because she doesn't like me hanging out with Ryder and she doesn't like my brother. I looked and the alarm clock on his desk at the other side of the room. It read 10:17 so that is roughly 20 minutes that she had to get them away from here, if she's by herself she shouldn't be far.

           Hey guys I'm back! :P I so didn't expect to be gone that long so sorry. More chapters to come. Remember the story has just begun expect the unexpected.

- Xoxoxox :P !!!!!!!!!

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