Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


I fiddled with the paper until I opened it......

In the note written in carful blue ink it said...

Hey SLUT I found out that you like to get here early just to avoid us so I thought it would be fun to surprise you !!!!! Turn around loser!

- Charlie

I had a gut wrenching feeling like someone had punched me in the stomach! My brother swung around on his heels and got a horrified look on his face. He tried to cover it by making a serious face straight after but it failed and was totally noticeable he was surprise they were there.

I heard giggles and snickers behind me followed by comments like " what a slut!!!!! Does she think she pull those pants off?" "She is so fat!" And the worst of all " what a loser her only friend is her brother talk about desperate for attention!" And more similar to that.

I wanted to turn around so badly and slap each one of Charlies little tramp group members, but I didn't I just stood there looking into my locker with my brother right beside me.

Just then a voice I didn't recognize at first came out of nowhere and I soon found it to be my brothers.

" you want to trash my sister then you'll have to deal with me! You guys think your so cool because you wear tight skirts and crop tops! And you think you are so tough because you ruin other people's lives and destroy relationships!" He fake coughed and then said Charlie. "You guys are totally disgusting and childish and you need to grow some get over it and grow up! You need stop being so childish and stupid!"

They stood there a minute letting it all sink in and when it did their faces were priceless!

I was now standing there facing them and one of Charlies friends Alana had now joined us with her boy friend. They all stood there, jaws to the ground and eyes popping out of their heads. They scoffed, flipped their hair rolled their eyes and left.

I stood there impressed by my brother and glad they weren't there! I thanked my brother gave him a hug locked my locker and tore up the note. I tossed the confetti sized pieces of the note in the trash and went to my first class.

My first class was boring as you know what and I had just barely lived through it. English was my first class and the second was poetry! Fun(sarcastic)! The day went by the way it usually does, boring classes, cute boys who only know me as a slut,me getting pushed through the halls, and eating lunch alone in the locker room so no one would find me.

At the end of the day I was walking home with my brother when my sister pulled up in her red Chevrolet sonic. "Get in idiots!" She said not even looking at us. Me and my brother gave each other a look and rolled our eyes.

I got in the front and my brother got in the back. My sister is 21 and her name is Alyssa. I get along with her sometimes but not a lot. And when I do I have a good time with her laughing and joking around.

She drove us around for a while until she pulled up at her friends house. "What are we doing here?" I asked. "Humping a cow! What do you think?" " I know we are picking her up but why?" I asked after her sarcastic remark! " we are going shopping idiot!"she said back.

After we went "shopping" (which just turned out to be my sister and her friend hanging out and getting coffee then walking around Walmart looking at anything that was cute) she dropped us off at home and I went straight up to my room. Sitting on my bed was Charlie!

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" I practically scream at her. She just grins at me and stands up to get right in my face. "Well aren't we a little grumpy" she says speaking to me like I was a child. " I'm just here to tell you that we know all your little hiding spots and tricks at school. So you might just want to re think everything." She pauses then continues just to say "slut!" She let poison drip from that word every time she said it.I felt like crying,screaming and punching her all at the same time.

Just then I heard someone clear their throat in my doorway. I spun on my heels to see my mom. "Charlie dear your mom is here to pick you up now" she said sweetly with a fake smile. I can't stand my mom sometimes and she doesn't even care about me anyway.

"Thank you Mrs. Peters!" Charlie says with an even faker grin then my moms. "Please just call me Jen!" My mom says and exits the doorway.

Charlie looks back at me and makes sure she has my full attention before speaking. "Just remember I will always be better and prettier than you so don't even try." I could feel my eyes starting to tear up and soon enough I could feel the familiar warm water run down my cheek. Charlie looked at me with fake concern written all over her face and the next thing I knew she had her index finger and thumb holding up my chin so she could see me." awe what a pity. I made the slut cry. Oh well!" She said harshly throwing my face the other way. " better not keep my mom waiting" she said leaving but not before throwing me one of her fake grins.

After she was gone I went to my makeup table and cleaned up my face so it looked like I didn't cry. Just as I was about to go get my brother to tell him what happened,my mom came back in. I felt like shoving past her but I wanted to know what she would say.

"Charlie seems nice." She said trying to start a conversation "is she your friend from school?" "No now can I get out of my room I was trying to go talk to Evan!" "You two are so inseparable! You have been like that since birth you know" "Ya mom and that's why I want to go talk to him" She moved out of my doorway an I walked down the hall to my brothers room.

Evan was on his X box and as soon as I walked in he shut it off. "What's up?!" He asked " Charlie was in my room when I came home!" I said "I know I was listening" he said. He engulfed me in a warm hug and patted my back telling me it was ok and that he wouldn't let her hurt me.

I went to my room just when mom called us because it was dinner time. I went downstairs with my brother hot on my heels and when I saw what dinner was I got a feeling mom wanted something from me. Dinner was barbecued steak an Caesar salad, my favorite dinner? Hmmmm? Suspicious but ok! I sat down next to my brother and started dishing up my food when I noticed my mom staring at me across the table. "Can I help you said not looking up at her while putting salad on my plate. She looked away and didn't answer me. "That's what I thought" I said under my breath but loud enough for her to hear.

After dinner I went to my room and went on Facebook. I had 13 new messages and they all said I was a slut and they knew where I was going to be tomorrow and that I should look out.

I sighed and put my laptop away and got dressed in my pjs.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth when my mom came in. She stood in the doorway and watched me. Creepy much! I finished and turned to face her. "Can I help you?!" I said harshly. "I just wanted to know why you and Charlie were hanging out if you guys aren't friends?" She said as if she knew something. "We weren't hanging out she was threatening me because I'm the school slut and you would know that if you payed attention to me! Are we done here?!" I said letting poison drip from every word. " I know your the school slut. I over hear you crying and talking to your brother. And I may have overheard part of your conversation with Charlie." She said and left.

I went to my room shut off my light and laid down in my bed. How much of mine and Charlie conversation did mom hear? When did mom hear me crying because usually it's somewhere nobody would notice like in the shower in the pouring rain or at night. What did she hear me and Owen talking about and when? Is  Charlie  following me at school and if so why does she care about me anyway? Questions swarmed my brain and I drifted to sleep.

Hey guys so I hope you like it and please don't copy my story I am working really hard on it! Well anyway what do u guys think about Charlie and Lilly's mom snooping in her life? Do you think Charlie will take it too far and do you think Lilly will snap? Idk guys lets wait and see. Love ya guys ( in the none creepy way)

- Xoxoxox 😘

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