Chapter 12

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Hey guys so I know I really freaking suck at this whole updating thing! A lot of you have left comments and messaged me and all that... so I decided I would tell you what's going on. I'm going through a really tough time and I know it's always one thing after another and if you hate me that's fine! I am currently putting my feelings behind me and I'm writing! I have chapter 13 on the go but it is not completed yet. So without further a do.. I bring what you have been waiting for...... CHAPTER 12

I got to school and quickly learned that Alana was the talk. I walked to my locker and started to get my books when I noticed Charlie walking in with a bunch of her friends patting her on the back and telling her it was ok. She turned on the waterworks and again acted like she felt bad about her 'bestie'. Whatever not my problem.

They walked by and every single one of them made eye contact with me.

From where I was standing it looked like they thought it was my fault.

I was walking to my class when I noticed that every time I walked by someone they stopped talking and started whispering and looking. I rolled my eyes as I walked by Ryder. Even he was talking about me.

I glanced back to see him walking away looking annoyed.

I got through the day with little eye contact and no conversation. I was making my way to the front door when Charlie came around the corner with all her friends. I didn't know what to do,so I stood there like an idiot until someone pulled at my arm. I looked over and saw Trenton. I quickly walked away with him. He leaned down and whispered in my ear to smile. I did as he told with no question. when we were out of the school I asked him why I had to smile when we walked pastCharlie. " you don't have to be happy. you just have to make her think you are. later" with that he walked away.

I walked home with my music blaring in my ears. I'm pretty sure people in Texas could hear it, but I didn't care. No matter what song it was I could only think about one thing, Trenton. Well ok not Trenton exactly but what he said. I don't have to really be happy, I just have to convince everyone else I am. That isn't going to be so easy.

I slugged my way up the stairs and into my room. I had 3 new notifications on Facebook. I opened them and found more gossip about Alana. Turns out she broke her nose, fractured her wrist and sprained her ankle. Damn as much as I hate her, I have to hand it to her, Charlie gives wicked beatings. I just hope I'm not her next victim.

I flop on my bed and sigh. I don't ever want to move.. like ever again. my whole day has been exhausting. Is it possible for my brain to explode, because if so mine definitely has! I close my eyes and let my day flash through my mind.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH". I leaped of my bed. I just had the worst nightmare and you'll never guess who the star of it was.... oh it's that easy to tell huh. My brother practically breaks the door down as he tries to get in. I must have looked pretty bad because he scooped me up in his arms and sat on my bed with me telling me it was ok. A part of me actually believed him, maybe I could be okay.

When I finally regained my balance I told Evan he could leave. I sat in my room staring at the floor. I was as pale as a ghost and had the shakes like you wouldn't believe. I glanced at the clock at my wall and noticed the time. Is that really the time? I only just shut my eyes for five minutes but according to this clock I was out for an hour.

Charlie and her dad are coming over for dinner, and I have a bit of a plan. I would tell you but I don't really trust you yet... no offense. But on the bright side you will find out soon enough.

I hop in the shower and get all dolled up for dinner tonight. I have little makeup on but it looks classy and sophisticated... perfect for what I'm doing. I put on a plain white tee shirt with a black skull sweater on over it. I pull on my black skinny jeans and throw on some converse since we will be outside for dinner.

I get downstairs and help my mom set the table. I'm getting things ready when Evan asks what I'm doing. " You're acting really perky and a little too nice. What's going on?" "Nothing you have to worry about"

I heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it!" I shout across the room. I dash for the door and put on the biggest smile I can manage. "Hello Charlie! Hello Kevin! Come on in." I step back and let them in. Charlie can sense something because she is glaring at me. " Charlie its so nice to see you" I turn to everyone else. " You know me and Charlie just don't see each other at school anymore. I'm not lying when I say it so nice to see you."

Well... what did you think? Don't be afraid to ask me question or give me suggestion for this story... I always love hearing from you guys! Drop some comments for me and send me some message and of course vote and follow! Later my little unicorn farts!


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