Chapter 10

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I had ended up at the school some how, after my fight with Ryder I just walked and I guess I took myself here. I sat down on the steps. The wind blew my hair in my face and I was too distracted to push it back. I looked down at the bottom of the steps and saw someone laying there.

"Hello?" I called out. They didn't answer. The steps weren't that far down they would be able to hear me. "Hello?" I called again, still no reply. I walked down further and tried again. "Hello?" I heard them groan. I ran down the stairs. Alana was laying there on the ground with a bleeding nose and a ton of bruises. "Oh My God Alana" I said in a hushed but shocked voice. I brought a shaky hand to my mouth and tried to say something but I was so shocked I didn't know what to say. Even though she was one of Charlie's friends I still felt bad.

"Lilly?" I heard my brother call to me. My voice was weak and shaky but I managed to answer and tell him where I was. He ran to me and called an ambulance for Alana. "How did you find her?" " I; I; I don't know I just came here and there she was." My brother and I wiped up some blood from her face with some Kleenex in my purse.

I hadn't noticed the boy standing behind the corner until the ambulance showed up and he ran off. I didn't know who it was for sure but I had a guess.The doctors got Alana in the van and said she should be fine maybe a few broken bones but nothing to worry about. I finally stopped shaking but I couldn't get my mind off the strange boy. My brother broke me from my thoughts by piling on the questions.The first few I didn't hear or care for anyway. "What were you even doing here you know that could have been you right?" "Ya but it wasn't so stop worrying." " How did you even find her?" "I told you She was just laying there when I got here. I gotta go I'll see you at home" I said running off towards the direction of the boy.

I wondered around until I saw him standing by a tree. I ran up, as I got closer all my questions were answered on who it was. Trenton was standing there back turned to me. More questions stormed my brain. Did he do it? If so why? When? If he didn't do it who did? Why? Did he try to help her? Does he know who did it? Did he see the whole thing happen? Was he there the whole time I was there?

I rounded the tree and I knew right away he heard me coming. " Charlie did it because Alana started to like me. I know because I was here when it happened." I stood back it was like he could read my mind. " Why didn't you help her?" He started to get teary eyed. " I was too scared, Scared it was to late, scared Charlie would see me" " Don't get upset the doctors said she was going to be fine" He looked relieved. I felt bad for him.

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