Chapter 5

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I woke up and looked outside. It was a sunny beautiful Friday morning. I got ready for school and had my breakfast. Evan tossed me my lunch but stopped me before I left. "so Ryder told me ya know" He said quietly. " Ya I figured he would" I said back in the same tone. "Don't let her get to you...OK? Just know that whatever she says or does shows a little more about her ,not you." "OK, Thanks now I gotta go so bye Love ya" I said sending him a quick joking wink. I could here him laughing as I walked out of the house.

       I had decided to wear my hair down today, which was rare for me since I had such curly hair it got puffy really fast and I hated it. So anyway my hair was Ryder's favourite part of the day and every time he saw me he had to play with it which drove me crazy. Every time I would ask him to stop he would for about thirty seconds. He knew it drove me crazy which was even more reason to play with it.

      At lunch Charlie came by Ryder and mines table. She took a seat next to Ryder and started to flirt with him.  Of course he didn't flirt back but for some reason I felt weird like I was jealous or something. Weird right? I know. I can't like Ryder he is too much like my brother but I still had to stop her.

      I cleared my throat loud enough for her to hear. Her head snapped in my direction. "Can I help you?" she asked in a snippy tone. "No but I can help you, all the way too the door. Then maybe I can slam it in your face and lock you out" I said back just as snippy. She scoffed and looked at Ryder. " Are you going to let her do this?"  she asked hoping for some sympathy. " Yes I am because I'm her friend. It's something you don't have and you never will" He said talking to her like she was a child. She walked away all mad and me and Ryder couldn't stop laughing.

        I walked through the door and my mom was sitting on the couch watching T.V. I started walking upstairs when she called me over." What!" I said kinda loud. I hadn't realized I was so upset about the bad day I just had. " I want to talk to you about Charlie and Kevin coming over. Now you understand you have to behave." I laughed cutting her off. " Behave? With Charlie around nice one mom. Now can I go to my room?" " No Lillian  you will let me finish and you will get along with Charlie tomorrow! Got it?! Good! I know you don't like Charlie and I know she thinks your a slut, not saying you aren't, but ...." " WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME!!!!!"  I shouted cutting her off. Evan came running down the stairs. His hair was damp so I was suggesting he had just got out of the shower, which he had. "I said you were a slut! I don't care if you don't like Charlie you will get along with her and that's that!!!!" She stormed off into the kitchen. I can't believe she just said that. I could taste salt water at the corners of my mouth. I ran off upstairs and locked my bedroom door.

        I sat on my bed and cried half the night. When the morning came I wasn't ready to sit through a meal with Charlie's dad let alone her. I have decided I'm not dressing up. I don't get along with any of them anyway and my brother has seen me worse. I didn't even do my hair. Yup you heard me I have bedhead. I'm wearing sweat pants and a sweatshirt and I don't have any makeup on. The most I'm doing today is brushing my teeth. I know you can't see it but I'm smiling right now because I'm so proud of not letting them get to me.

         I was on my laptop at my desk when my brother knocked on the door. I was E-mailing my aunt so I sent her the message and spun around on my chair to get the door( which was unecessary because he walked in anyway.) "Wow you look.... uh you uh you look...." " terrible I know I'm not dressing up for them I don't care what happens I'm not dressing up!" I said smiling. " Well I'm glad we agree on one thing.... you look terrible!!!" I started laughing when we heard a knock on the downstairs door. I shut my laptop took a deep breath and headed downstairs.

           I saw the brown haired devil sitting at my table chatting with my mom like they were best friends. I looked at Evan and we both pretended to puke. I took another glance at my mom, she was all dressed up in a purple dress and black heels. I have to admit she didn't look that bad. But what turned me off was she was making out with him in the middle of the room,BLAH.  

      I sat down and Kevin came towards me with flowers. Kill me now. He sat down next to me and took my hand in his. " You must be Lilly. The little princess of the house am I right?" I nodded wanting to end the conversation as fast as possible. " Well these are for you, beautiful." He handed me the flowers. I ran upstairs and threw them on my bed and ran to the bathroom so I could puke. I didn't actually puke I just sat there feeling sick.

     Mom came upstairs and lightly knocked on the door. I opened it and she stepped in and shut it behind her so no one would here us talking. "You look horrible!" "Gee thanks mom." "Look I don't want to fight today so at least put your hair up. You can keep the sweat pants and sweater I don't care about that." She left and I did as she asked and put my hair up.

        We had sub sandwiches for lunch and they weren't that bad but I felt like throwing up whenever my mom and Kevin kissed which was pretty much every 2 minutes. Evan was looking pretty pale himself. My mom and Charlie got along pretty well which made sense since both of them were huge bit***!

       The table all of a sudden got really quiet. I could feel Charlie's eyes on me and I didn't dare look up. Despite all of us were done, no one talked. I felt incredibly uncomfortable and I was squirming in my seat. Just as I was taking my plate in the kitchen someone knocked on the door. I dropped my plate in the sink and darted for the door." I 'll get it!" I yelled behind me. Anything to get me away from them I was happy with. I slowly pulled open the door to reveal my sister, Alyssa and her boyfriend, Matt. Matt was pretty nice and Alyssa was being nice to me and Evan considering she knew about Charlie at school.

      "I came to save you from the horror show!" she whispered in my ear winking at me. I laughed and walked back to the kitchen announcing Alyssa and Matt were here. My mom jumped up and introduced Alyssa and Matt to Kevin and the wicked witch of the west. 

          " Mom do you mind if me and Matt take Evan and Lilly out for the night?" I could tell my mom didn't want us to leave and I could see her tense up when Alyssa asked the question." Why don't you guys join us instead?" Mom asked. I could tell she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of Kevin but I also noticed my sister wasn't going to let me and Evan sit here any longer and come close to being sick. Sometimes she has my back. " We already ate, but thanks for the invite. We really need Evan and Lilly for a while just cause we need their help." My sister explained. My mom pulled Alyssa out back to talk and it got really awkward. Evan, Matt and myself were talking and Charlie and  Kevin were listening trying to get in on the conversation but none of us acknowledged them.

      After about 10 minutes my mom and sister reappeared and I could tell by the look on my moms face my sister won. I jumped up grabbed my jacket and darted to my sisters little car. When we were all in I asked my sister what mom and her had said. " Oh nothing I have my ways with mom" she said winking once again. I sighed in relief, at least I could get away from them for a little while.

              Hey guys so surgery was yesterday all went well. I still am in  pain but it's bearable. I hope you guys liked this chapter. I am working on chapter 6 now it will hopefully be up Friday.



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- Xoxoxo :D

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