Chapter 6

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I walk into Matt's small apartment. The smell of sweat ,dirt and something burning, hit me like a ton of bricks. "Shoot! The cookies, we forgot!!!" My sister practically burst my ear drums. Matt and Alyssa ran so fast into that tiny kitchen. Even I got light headed just watching them buzz around so fast, or was that just the stench from the apartment?

I peered around from the doorway I could see the living room, the kitchen and a hallway. The living room had movies, CD's, video games, TV wires and remotes littering the floor and cups, plates and bowls( all of which dirty) covering the coffee table. The kitchen table had a similar appearance to the coffee table except it had papers on it as well. I was surprised that Alyssa and Matt had been able to actually get around the tiny kitchen with all the boxes and garbage bags in the way. The kitchen sink was filled with dishes some dirty some clean and some questionable. I turned the corner to look down the hall and saw more boxes and laundry baskets filled to the rim with dirty laundry, outlining the hall way. At the end of the hall was a small bedroom that had dirty clothes everywhere and more video games. It had a large bed and a tiny T.V. There was 2 other rooms as well, one was a bathroom that had a bunch of hair products and bath stuff on the floor, counters and in the tub. The other rooms door was closed so I couldn't see in it but I was guessing it had a similar appearance to everything else.

" Does he ever clean?" I whispered to Evan. He shook his indicating he doesn't know. " Sorry for the mess. I just moved in a few weeks ago and haven't had time to clean up."Matt confessed. Alyssa came around the corner with some burnt cookies. " I was able to save some of the not so burnt ones." she said shrugging her shoulders. " Thanks but I think I'll pass on this one" Evan said picking up a cookie and inspecting it. I agreed with him and my sister just laughed and threw them out.

"Well don't be strangers! Come and sit!" Matt said from somewhere in the bombshell of a living room. I took off my shoes and followed my brother into the living room to the couch. ( covered with garbage believe it or not!) "I'll put on a movie?" Matt said searching the floor for movies. " What about a scary one?!" He asked pulling up a movie that had a group of people standing on the front. The title read 'Grave Encounters' ( A\N real movie it's really good I highly recommend it).

By the time the movie ended I was pretty sure I had to change my pants. (A/N not actually that scary :P) and I knew I had to go home soon and deal with my own devil."Well kids! It's almost 3:00 now so what should we do?" Alyssa asked. " OK first of all we aren't kids, I'm 15 and Evan is almost 17. And second of all I think we should.... um... I don't know we should do something non boring." They all started laughing and I couldn't help but laugh myself. 

           My cell phone rang and it totally threw me off. Who would be calling me? I'm the school slut and my mom doesn't know my cell number. I checked caller I.D. It was unknown caller and unknown number. I decided to answer it. " Hello?" " Hey Lil it's Ryder! I just wanted to know how the lunch went?" " For the short time I was there it was quiet and awkward with my mom and Kevin kissing and Charlie getting along with my mom as if they were besties. But then my sister rescued me so ya."  " You never told me you had a sister?" " Ya I'm with her right now anyway I'll talk to you later I have to go I just heard her say she wants to go shopping!" " Haha OK later loser!" " Later loser" I laughed as I hung up the phone. Yes we call each other losers don't judge! Wait!!! How did he get my number I don't remember giving it to him. Oh well!

        "Shopping sounds like fun!" I said coming around the corner. " Ya I'll drive!" Said Matt. We arrived at the mall and by now it was 3:30. I went straight for Urban Planet. ( A/N LOVE THAT STORE!!!) I saw a dress on the wall that was long in the back and short in the front. It was peach coloured and really thin.It had spaghetti straps and I fell in love with it. "Wow that's a nice a dress!" I almost screamed at RYDER'S VOICE????!!! " Ryder what the h***! Must you show up everywhere?" "Your fault for telling me you were going shopping and telling me your favourite store in the mall!" Right I forgot I told him that. Long story short we were talking about the mall and it might have slipped out. But why did he follow me...... CREEPY!!!

               " Hey how did yo get my number today I don't remember giving it to you?" " I texted Evan and asked him for your number." He explained to me. That makes this situation just a little less creepy."So wanna go shopping?" He asked. I nodded. I started looking for Evan,Matt and Alyssa in the mall and soon located them. " c'mon!" I shouted grabbing Ryder's arm and pulling him out the door and towards the group of familiar faces. "Me and Ryder are gonna go shopping bye!" " I wanna come!!" Evan shouted chasing after us.

            By the time we left the mall it was 7:00. I hadn't bought anything and neither had Evan but Ryder had bought 2 new pairs of high tops. They were really cool and I have to admit I was kinda jealous of them. We arrived at the house and I saw Kevin's car still in the parking lot. " You have got to be kidding me!" I said rolling my eyes. Just as I was opening my door, Kevin came out of the house and went to his car. I stopped and watched him as he opened his trunk and pulled out a suitcase!!!! "NO!!!!!!" I screamed grabbing the attention of just about everybody on the street. I didn't care I just don't want them staying here. " Whats wrong Lilly?" He asked. "Are you guys staying the night?" Evan asked because I was in too much horror to speak. " Yes Evan we are why do you..." " NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....." I screamed cutting him off. I jumped out of the car and into the house at full speed. I ran up the stairs taking them 2 at a time. Sure enough she was on my bed fluffing out a blanket. I looked around and spotted her black bag on the floor next to a crumpled up pile of  my bed sheets? "WHY??????!!!!!!! Why do you have to be here? Why does my mom have to be dating your stupid dad and why did you have to rearrange my room?!!!!!!" "Wow somebody's a little grumpy" she said pouting and taking to me like I was a child. " And I can't sleep on your bed if your covers are on it. EW slut germs! Who knows what you have and even worse who has been sleeping in your bed with you lately." "UGH" I stomped out of my room and ran into Evan knocking us both down." Sorry Evan didn't see you" "It's OK. want to sleep in my room tonight?" " Yes please!" 

            I got ready for bed and went into Evan's room. He had set up a small bed on the floor for me made up of blankets and body pillows. I got into the small bed and Evan came in seconds later to go to sleep. I closed my eyes and let my body relax. The course of the day went through my head and colours and shapes danced on the inside of my eyelids. I soon fell asleep and through the dead quiet of the house I could hear my brother whisper " If only Ryder would work up the nerve" What? Does Ryder like me?

           Hey you smexy people! So I was going to update last night but my laptop was being really weird.Any way I will DEFIANTLY update Friday. Hope you liked the chapter!




Later guys!! :P

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