Chapter 3

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I got up and made a b line straight for the bathroom. As soon as I got in there I looked in the mirror and almost screamed! I looked HORRIBLE!!! My hair was everywhere I had bags under my eyes from lack of sleep, yes I couldn't sleep last night I had to much on my mind, and I had tear streaks on my face from crying last night!

I washed my face and hopped in the shower. The warm water felt so good on my tired and sore body. After my shower I brushed out my hair and got dressed in my blue Roxy shirt and blue denim jean shorts. I put on my beanie and applied some light makeup. I put on enough makeup to cover the bags under my eyes and I had a little bit of eyeshadow and mascara on.

I darted down the stairs to eat breakfast. I had honey nut Cheerios and they were delicious! I grabbed my bag and tugged my brother along with me out the door. Despite all the sleep I lost last night I feel amazing today! It's weird and I'm enjoying every second of it.

I thought I might go through the back of the school today to avoid sarah but when I reached the gates I knew I made a mistake. I got this feeling as if someone was watching me and I just pushed it out of my mind and pressed on. I'm about to enter the school when I notice a bunch of guys sitting by the doors. 'Crap!' I think to myself. They were all staring at me and one guy wolf whistled which set them all off." So slut how much do I pay for that body if yours?" One guy asked. I rolled my eyes and walked in to the school when someone grabbed me from behind. I let out an ear piercing scream when all of a sudden a huge hand slapped down over my mouth to shut me up.

Who ever grabbed me spun me around and I came face to face with the disgusting pervert from before. All his friends circled me except one who now that I think of it has been really quiet. " I wasn't done with you!" He said strongly right in my face. I looked down and saw the quiet boy looking at me. OMG it was Trenton!!!!! He was watching all of this happening to me and not doing anything to help! That little... I was cut off from my thoughts when a voice I recognized yelled out "LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE!" Every one turned around to see my brother and his friends standing there. "Or what? Are you losers gonna hurt me?" The perve said mockingly.

"No but I will!" Said TRENTON?? why was he now defending me? "Get your hands off my sister or else!" Evan said with a smirk. "Well if that is making you mad this will drive you insane!" Said the guy who I now recognized to be a guy named Josh( he was the school jock). His hand started moving towards my chest slowly and the whole time he was staring at my brother who looked quiet pissed.

As soon as Joshes hand got close to 'them' I twisted and turned trying to get free of his friends grasps. I was standing with one of his friends holding my hands behind my back and another with his hand on my mouth so I couldn't scream. One hand got free and I jumped out of their grasps just as soon as my brother jumped on Josh.

I could hear my brothers fists coming in contact with Joshes jaw. I cringed every time I heard the crack. My brother was on top of the guy shouting in his face. I couldn't believe what was happening in front of me.

Soon my brother stopped and Joshes friends ran off dragging behind a very bloody and unconscious looking Josh. My brother looked like he was going to cry and scream all at once. I reached out to hug him when I noticed a pair of arms wrapped around me. I hadn't realized I was all cuddled up with my brothers friend Ryder who if I say so myself is very attractive. He is tall with light brown hair that hangs down perfectly. His bangs go to the side a bit but hang just at eye level and his eyes and a deep green. He was really skinny and he was the fastest runner in school.

He let me go and I engulfed my brother in a huge hug. I felt him relax at my touch and he hugged me back.

I could feel all the stares and I let my brother go. He was smiling and so were his friends. We all walked in to the school and sawCharlie  and her friends cleaning Josh up who still looked unconscious.

Ryder wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me around the corner. I looked down and before I realized it we were in front of my locker. I opened my locker and grabbed my books for poetry.

Trenton rounded the corner. He took one look at me and walked away with his head down. I raced after him and caught up. I grabbed his arm and spun him around to face me. He looked at me and I could tell he was nervous so I kept it short." Thank you for sticking up for me. It meant a lot." And with that I turned and walked away.

Lunch finally came around and Evan invited me to sit with him. News about Josh travelled fast but the story had changed and people thought my brother had just jumped Josh and beat him up.

I could feel the cold stares on my back and I just continued eating and occasionally joined the conversation.

By the time the end of the day rolled around I was exhausted and whatever hyperness I had this morning was defiantly gone. Evan was on his way over to my locker when the principal stopped him!

I looked through the tiny window on the door to the principals room. I saw my short dark haired brother sitting on a black computer desk chair and the tall dark haired principal shouting at him. I was terrified and I think I knew what it was all about.

The second my brother stepped out of the room I know he is scared but not for himself for me." What happened?" I asked. He hung his head and with a small squeaky voice choked out "I got suspended because I punched Josh!".

Ooooooo cliff hanger (kinda) anyway sorry for the late update. I have a life hard to believe I know but anyway I spent the weekend at my friends and didn't have time to update. Grrrrrrrr!!!! Sorry guys. So what do y'all think of the chapter it was kinda rushed sorry its short. Gtg and don't be afraid to message me or even follow me and I will check out your guys books and maybe even follow back.



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