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"How is she? Is she ok? Where is she?" Dinah asks as soon as I stepped in. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. "You wouldn't really hit her on purpose right?" I laid my head on her boobs. "Of course not that's what I've been trying to tell you" she groans.

"She's convinced that you did it on purpose. And Camila is too" she pulls away from me rolling her eyes "of course"

"I know what kind of person you are Dinah. I know it wasn't your intention to hurt her-"

"You sure didn't act like you believed me last night" I opens my mouth to speak but then close it. She hums "I stayed up the rest of the night waiting for a text or a call from you and you didn't even think about getting in contact" I   sigh "I'm sorry"

"You made me feel more terrible then what I was already feeling" I frown. "you're my girlfriend you're supposed to at least hear my side of the story. I said it repeatedly it was an accident but you still left with her when she was completely fine"

"We didn't know that-"

"She is fine right?" I nods "my point taken"

"Don't be mad at me. I know what I did wasn't exactly right. I should've believed you and I'm sorry" she turns around walking to the stairs "I love you" I spoke.

She looks at me "do you? Do you really?"

Camila and Jenna walks in along with Lauren. Dinah walks upstairs leaving me with the 3.

"Let me help you upstairs" Camila says to Jenna. "Camila she's fine" I sigh sitting on the couch "she has bruised rib she's in pain. So no she's not"

Lauren sits down beside me placing her head on my shoulder. "She'll come around don't worry".......

Wtf am writing? Nothing is making sense

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