Facts about Me

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I'm bored so why not tell you guys all about me 🙃

1. My favorite color is red

2. I have to listen to music everyday. If I don't I'll get cranky

3. My whole name is Lociana Ke'aisa Danea Rogers

4. I have two sisters on my dad side and my mom is pregnant with a girl (I named her Normani 👀)

5. My favorite food if pizza 🍕

6. I'm 16

7. My birthday is August 5th 2001

8. I'm fucking shy so if I ever go to your school/ college don't expect me to talk to you bc I won't. (Well only if you look nice)

9. I struggle with anxiety

10. I hate sports

11. I enjoy dancing

12. I can't sing for shit but I have passion for it

13. I hate school

14. I never been in a relationship before but I know what I am (I don't really call having a bf for 1 day a relationship. That was nothing)

15. I love animals

16. I want to go to college and become a Veterinarian

17. I'm extremely nice and a lot of ppl take advantage of that 🙄

18. It's hard for me to say no to ppl. "Hey can I have a piece of gum"

Fuck no

"Sure you can" 🙄🙄

19. I am black American

20. Well Africans be saying that we're not African we're black American since idk ignore this 😐

21. I am currently watching pretty little liars I'm on the 5th season

22. Single ofc

23. When I'm on my period I always crave brownies chocolate chip cookies and chocolate cake

24. I'm lazy

25. I'm a very picky person which is why I'm probably single

26. I will probably be single forever 😂 not bc I'm ugly

27. I'm pretty confident with myself. I can look in the mirror and tell myself I'm beautiful. I don't need anyone to tell me so but I do love compliments bc it makes my day 😊

28. I love Kung fu panda 1,2,& 3

29. I don't have a job

30. I wear glasses

31. I'm 5'1

32. I weigh 197  pounds so basically over weight for my age and height but I promise you I don't look fat. I have a small stomach and back fat that I would like to go away. And my thighs aren't tone obviously but I wouldn't call myself fat. I also hate the word fat

33. Someone told me that my neck was fat In the 8th grade and since then I've been insecure about my neck

34. I have brown eyes

35. I have eczema

36. My favorite fruits are strawberries and pineapples

37. If you want to be my friend just ask I love making friends

38. I'm always open to talk too

39. My snapchat is lolo.cabeyo

40. I look like this

 I look like this

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41. I love you all so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 😘😘😘😘

42. Also my friend thinks I draw in my eyebrows but I don't they are just full and black 😂

43. I also love stretch marks. I find them very beautiful

44. I'm all about women empowerment

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