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December 20th 2001

Third person POV

"James, I have something to tell you." Lily said, tears running down her face. James looked at her concerned.

"What is it, honey?" He asked her sitting down. Lily grabbed his hands and held them in her lap.

"I'm 3 months pregnant." James broke out in a smile

"Really! That's great!" Lily shook her head.

"That's not all." She took a deep breath. "A few months ago, when I went out and had a girls night, we drank a lot. Stupidly, we played truth or dare. I picked dare and was dared to seduce someone. They were also drunk. I regret it so so so much. I wish I would have just stayed home with you that night." James knew where this was going. His heart clenched at the thought.

"Who was it?"


"Oh hell no" James thought.

February 21st 2002

Lily and James walked up to the door. Lily was showing as she was 5 months pregnant, almost 6. They both took a deep breath as James knocked on the door. A few moments later, it swung open.

"Yes?" Severus Snape's voice drawled out. James cleared his throat.

"We need to speak to you." Lily stood a little bit behind James. A hand resting on her stomach protectively. Not that Snape would do anything. It was just habit. Severus looked at Lily confused, but still stepped to the side, letting them into his home. They walked into the living room and sat down.

"Severus, remember a few months ago and our..." Lily trailed off trying to think of a good word to use. She didn't need to as Snape knew what she was referring too.

"I do." He replied, smirking ever so slightly

James glared at the smirking man.

"Did you use protection?" Lily asked quietly. The question took Snape by surprise. He fumbled for words.

" What is the meaning of this Lily?" He asked growing irritated. He didn't invite them into his home to get interrogated.

"Are you sure?" James asked. Snape glared.

"I am positive I used-"

"I'm pregnant with your child!" Lily interrupted making the two men jump. Severus opened and closed his mouth trying to think of what to say.

"Are you sure it's mine?" Snape whispered. Lily nodded staring at the ground. Severus's gaze was on Lily's stomach as he thought of the little bean growing inside of it that he helped create.

"Since its your child, Lily and I have decided that you will be the one to raise it. As soon as it's born, Lily will sign the birth certificate, but it's your child after." Lily's head shot up at James' words.

"What? I did not agree to this?" James looked over at his wife. Honestly, James shocked himself with those words. He couldn't go back on it now. Yes, he didn't want to raise Snape's baby but he knew Lily already cared for it. She was carrying it inside her.

He did admit what he did to Snape during school was wrong and immature but his feelings for the guy didn't change.

"It's me or the child. I am not raising another man's baby." Lily stared at her husband in shock. Snape sat there uncomfortably.

Soon after, James and Lily left Severus to think of names for the baby he would be raising.

June 1st 2002

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