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Blue was the sad colour
The colour of despair
Blue, the colour of post-heartbeak
the colour I hated

Then came you
With your ocean blue eyes
And instantly, I despised you
for the colour of your eyes

But you, you wouldn't give up
you came over and over asking why I hate you
But I can't tell you I don't
It's  just your eyes

I eventually grew to like you
Once I put my hate aside and looked into your eyes
I was breathless
They were beautiful

They weren't just a plain blue
They were dark and light
Dull and bright
With the gold of stars strewn all over

and soon enough
I came to see
The blue I despised
Isn't so bad, truly

For with beauty comes the ugly too
With happy, there is sad too
And happy goes in hand with sad
And blue's best friend,  turns out to be red

And that is how I came to love you
The clarity following hate that blinded
After grief, there is great joy too
And that, is how I came to learn blue

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