Shout outs

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Okay this book currently has 659 views views and 145 votes which is INSANE so thank you all for reading, voting and commenting. I also made some really good friends along the way and a few who originally were there from the start so I would like to give them a shout out.

Hallo_itsme for her support and comments. Thanks so so much.

onixwrites for actually messaging me and making me squeel  from happiness at 7 am.

ZaynahAbbas my cousin for her massive support and even writing a chapter rain. Check out her account Guys!

NellaDeVilla for voting for each chapter 5 seconds after it comes out. Thank you sooo much.

rk_writes95 a huge author checking out a little one as as me and voting? THANKS.

ShayaanAbbas my other cousin. Thank you for threatening to stalk me if I didn't show show you the previous drafts.

Last but not least, Emmazeness and CourageousCass my best friends And basically family by now. Thank you so much guys for all your support, your constant nagging for me to update, leaving witty comments.

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