12.5) Sparky

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A/N: So... I've thought of an idea. If any time I feel unable to write a new chapter, I'll write a "Character's Chapter" which is just a whole chapter dedicated to a single character in my story... if that makes sense. I've already done Aleks so I thought Sparky would be an interesting one. Hope you guys are okay with this!!

/6th grade/

Tyler Allen. Messy black hair, shiny blue eyes. Debate team captain. Call me weird for liking him, but i have the biggest crush on him.


1. He's dating someone

2. That someone is Natalie Reed

3. Natalie Reed fucking hates me

Yes I'm jealous of Natalie, not just because she has perfectly fried straight brown hair, gorgeous tanned skin and an award winning smile with dimples on either of her cheeks, but also because she and Tyler are a thing.

No, I'm not planning on doing some undercover spy work to dig up dirt on Natalie and somehow break them up. I'd rather wait for them to break up.

So I waited.

6 weeks. They dated for 6 weeks until Natalie decided that Tyler wasn't cool anymore and dumped him. It didn't really seem to affect him much, though. He didn't drop to his knees and beg forgiveness like I expected him to. Maybe he was having too much of her, anyways. Maybe.

Unlike in my fantasies, he didn't jump to his feet and proclaim his finally-ungrounded love for me and escape to Paris with me. Well, the escaping to Paris part does seems a bit absurd. But I was a bit disappointed he didn't catch the hint that I liked him.

And I dropped so many hints. If we chatted I leaned in close, and would clutch his arm here and there. If he said something funny I'd laugh too hard. If he liked something, so did I.

After a while of desperately groping for his attention, I decided it was hopeless between us and gave up my dream of being with him.

/one month later/

I have a boyfriend. Kind of. He's the son of my mom's friend. His name is Austin and he's possibly the funniest person I've ever met. Black hair, tannish skin and brown eyes... not to mention his grope-worthy stomach.

Every time anyone sees us together I feel so excited. It was like an invisible slap to Tyler's face (haHA! You're not dating me).

We're at the Starbucks near our school right now, romantically sharing a cup of hot chocolate.

"Hey Sparky?"



He reach his right arm out, and opened his palm to reveal two silver banded rings with a small heart carved on the surface. I gasped; it was absolutely gorgeous, and didn't look like the cheap rings you won by tossing a few rings in a fair.

We slipped them onto our left ring finger, promising each other that we'll be together forever.

That's the first time I've ever said "I love you" to someone. Although I don't think I really meant it.

/next day/

Me and Austin decided to ditch the lame ass party my mom is holding for all her friends and their kids. After debating for a moment, we chose to visit Larry Park, a quiet and gorgeous park couples usually hung out. Beside it is Larry River, though it's more like a really big pond.

Austin pulled out a loaf of whole wheat bread and we spent an entire hour throwing bread crumbs at the swans and koi fish and sneaking kisses to each other.

Call Me Weird (ImmortalHD and GoldenBlackHawk Love Triangle Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now