7) The Date

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A smile crept up my face and lifted the corners of my lips upwards. Kevin bent his left arm slightly, allowing me to hook my hand on the curve of his arm. He returned the smile and we started walking.

It took about forever to get my seemingly mature friends to stop giggling and teasing me about the whole "me and Kevin are on a date" thing, but luckily I managed to escape their wrath with the interruption of Kevin. His deep voice silenced our squealy ones, and I failed miserably to not blush.

"You've got amazing friends," he snapped me out of my dreamy daze. "Oh. Right, uh, yeah, right?" I tried to stifly my awkwardness my laughing.

It came out cracky and uneven.

Fortunately, the cafe Kevin was planning on bringing me was near school and could be arrived on foot within a few minutes. I slipped my hand away from its previous position (reluctantly) and allowed Kevin to open the door and grab us two seats in the corner. I ordered a caramel frap and a chocolate brownie while Kevin just got a black coffee.

We sat silently facing each other, only making noise to sip at our drinks. Finally, Kevin broke the silence, "so, Sparky, how you liking the school?"

I shrugged. "Well, it's weird. New experience and all that bullshit. But hey, I'm making friends and doing okay grades-wise, so there's no complains. Yet." He laughed, sending chills down my spine. God his laugh was so beautiful.

Suddenly, Midnight Memories by One Direction started blaring obnoxiously loudly from my phone, earning me a few weird looks from people sitting nearby. And Kevin. Hurriedly, I pulled the phone from my jeans pocket and swiped the screen to answer.

"Hello?" I tried to ignore Kevin's raised eyebrows.



"OMG, is it happening? Sparks? C'mon, tell us what's happening!!"

I groaned inwardly, hoping Kevin couldn't hear my friend's obnoxious voices over my phone.

"Hey, I'll call you back after, okay? I promise."

"Hmm... okay. But, uh, don't have too much fun, right?" I could literally hear the smirk forming on their lips through the phone.

"Fuck you." I hung up.

Kevin took a sip from his coffee, and wiped at the table absently with this tissue. "Friends?"


"It's cool. My friends were pretty much as hyper. Except instead of squealing, I recieved annoying pokes in the arms and suggestive eyebrow wiggling. Well, except for Aleks, but I'm sure you know how he's like."


Damn it. Why did he have to mention Aleks? I took a huge sip from my frapuccino to try and hide my frown but I am positive Kevin caught a glimpse of it anyway because his cheery smile faultered for a second.

Over the past week, Aleks and I had formed some kind of... window relationship. It wasn't friendly nor was it romantic, but it was something. Pretty much besides homework, movies, texting and drawing, I spent my freetime talking to Aleks through our windows. It wasn't very convinient, and sometimes the winds would slam our windows shut suddenly, scaring ourselves shitless. But it was interesting talking to Aleks.

His seemingly dull and badass outer layer was just some kind of mask for his true self. Of course, his real self from what I can tell, but he was really funny, in a sarcastic, dark humor way. He was incredibly smart, liked to play bass, and spoke very interestingly.

Also, he says "damn dude" a lot.

I blinked, and set my frapuccino down on the table, having nearly drowned the whole thing in my not-so-brief moment. "Thirsty?" I stared awkwardly at Kevin, who was also just finishing up is coffee.


"It's weird. You seem like such a chatty person but it seems like you don't have much to say."


"At least that's what I get from Aleks."

I nearly puked out my lunch.

"Get what from who?"

"I mean, I know you two talk a lot. Through the window. Trust me, it took ages for me to weasel out the information from him, so don't tell me it's not true."

His tone was almot accusing, and I felt the need to defend myself all of a sudden. "Well it's not like that. We just, like, talk bullshit and stuff, so whatever. Besides, I've got my eyes set square on someone else..."

Kevin's expressions softened and he leaned forward slightly, all thought of Aleks seemingly gone. "Really? And who's that?"

I smirked, and leaned forward too, cocking my head to the left. "Dare I say it?"

"I dare you."

My smirk faultered into a thin, straight line. "Kevin, look ---"

I never got to finish because soon Kevin's lips were smashed against mine.



This chapter started off as a filler chapter because the main reason was I didn't really know how to continue the story. Yes, I know, 6 chapters in and I'm already sucking? Awesome. I mean, I had an idea where the story was going, but I couldn't form the right words to sculpt it right.

This chapter ended up with the kiss because I can.


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