Call Me Weird (ImmortalHD and GoldenBlackHawk Love Triangle Fanfiction)

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Heat seeped to the tip of my pointer finger as I furiously rub the purply blue stone my mother got me two years ago. I do that when I'm nervous.

Before I tell you why, let me introduce myself:

Name: Sparky Valentine

Age: 16

Appearance: normal height, brown hair, turquoise eyes, porcelain pale skin

Personality: despite my name, I'm quite shy but once I open up to you, I'm really weird and inappropriate in a humorous way.

Okay that should be enough. So a month after my Sweet Sixteen my mother thought it would be a fantastical idea if we moved all the way to Colorado. Smart, huh? And I have to start a new school in the middle of the year. Double Great. Note my sarcasm.

I took a deep breath and stepped forward entering my new school, MeddleCrow High. I shielded my fave with my curtain of brown hair, afraid of the students.

When I entered the main office, I asked the lady for my schedule. She peered at me through red frames glasses, "you must be the new girl, Sparky. Let me print out your schedule," I tapped my foot impatiently as she printed it out. Finally it was done and she handed it to me. "Welcome to MeddleCrow, and I wish you luck,"

"Thanks!" I shouted back as I left the office, and checked my schedule. Yes, I got Advanced Math first! I'm not really normal, as you may know. I'm actually pretty smart not to show off, and math and science and all that is a breeze for me, so I was quite happy.

I rushed off to my classroom, and the teacher looked up at me when I entered, my hair a complete mess from my short run. "Um... I'm the new girl, Sparky..." his eyes lit up, "ah! Right I got the memo on this. Uh, you can take a seat over there," I followed the direction his finger was pointing to. It was an empty seat near the back next to a guy who head his he's buried in his crossed arms over the desk.

Quickly, I made my way there and plopped down on my seat. The guy didn't move, and I shrugged. Why would anyone pay attention to the weird looking new girl anyway, right?

The pretty platinum blonde haired girl in front of me whipped her head around to face me, "hey! You're new?" Before I could answer, she spoke again, "well, duh, of course! Anyway, I'm Joell and you're... Sparky was it? Hello!" She held out her hand and I shook its grateful for her kindness.

Class started and the teacher, Mr. Brown, handed us each a worksheet of thirty questions to complete. I finished it within 5 minutes, and handed it in. Mr. Brown stared at my paper, impressed. "Well done! You can just sit for a whole until everyone else is done," I did as told.

I noticed the guy next to me had also finished his, but hadn't handed it in. Huh, how weird. He noticed me staring and looked back, and I had to bite the insides of my cheeks.

He was perfect in every way.

His long, messy brown hair swooped over his forehead and brushed against his chocolatey eyes. His lips formed a thin, firm line and his pale skin seemed to glow.

He mumbled something that I didn't catch and went back to his previous position. Joell turned to look at me again , half whispering, "woah... he's Aleks, the hottest guy ever! And he's a bad boy, so double yum!" I nodded my head slowly, "why does he seem so... gloomy?" She shrugged, " bad boy, what did I say? Don't think he's ever shown any true, deep emotions, even in his eyes, besides to his friends."

I nodded my head again. The silent kind. Nice. "you should totes sit with me and my friends during lunch!" her smile widened, and I returned it, "sure!"

That's awesome, now I don't have to be all alone during lunch.

But there's something about this Aleks dude that really gets me tipping on my feet. Hm...

The other classes were a quick rush, and finally the bell for lunch sounded, and I was relieved to take a break from all those tiring classes.

Joell appeared behind me with four other girls, all pretty in their own way, and seemed to have their own style. "Hey Sparky! C'mon, follow us," I did as told and follows them, my tray of lunch held tightly in my hands.

At least I'm getting a good start with these people.


Hey guys, hope you liked this first chapter!

Kevin (aka GoldenBlackHawk aka TomAnex) will appear either on the next chapter or the next next chapter, so I'm waiting for that. I'm also writing that.

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