Chapter 31 Honeymoon Day 1

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Maybe at the start of the first chapter I should of wrote about that there are sexual parts and are not meant for 12- because of the sex parts, but oh well I'm telling you now. I think I might put this in the description, but I don't know. Okay so the honeymoon gets a bit sexual, but I'm not making it too detailed so I'm just warning you okay? There are on the honeymoon for 5 days. I'm putting the fans as directioners, but I didn't know what to put so I just put directioners. I you all don't mind. Yeah so the honeymoon gets a bit sexual, but still. I just wanna say I'm thinking about having 80 to 100 chapters, but I dunno yet. I probably won't and I probably will only have 50 to 60, but I don't know yet. I hope you enjoy this :) I would say if your 12- skip this chapter, but if you skip this chapter you will have to skip the other 4 chapters so yeah and it wouldn't make any sense. So don't skip these chapters even thought they are sexual. Btw I have a name for my lovely and beautiful readers. I know I only have 2.5K, but still. I wanna name you. So my readers are called Lovelies because I think all of you are lovely. And if I have any fans out there, but I doubt it, but if I do they are called Allienators :) and I'm sorry if you feel like I have changed the storyline. I don't think I have, but some of you might think I have.

Diana's POV

We got to the hotel and Niall carried me to our room. It's been 2 days since we got married and

I am so happy. "Di?" Niall looked down at me. "Yeah?" I looked up at him. "I love you" he said

pecking my lips. "I love you too" I smiled and kissed his chest because he carried me bridal style

to the bed. "I'm sorry about before I-' "forget it. It's in the past and this is our future" I cut

him off. "Yeah I know, but I feel bad-" "why should you feel bad?" I cut him off again. "Because,

you thought I was going out with Ellie when I wasn't and-" "I was sad, but that's the past and

I'm gonna forget about it because it's in the past and this is our future" I cut him off again.

"Come here bubba" I said pulling him close to me and kissing his neck. I started to take his shirt

off, but he pulled away. "No, I'm not having sex because I'm not going to take advantage of you" he

said. "But it's not taking if I'm giving it to you" I pouted. "Are you drunk?" He asked. "No, I'm

not drunk. I only had one glass when we were on the plane and I wouldn't even count that as

drinking because it's just one glass. I'm giving it to you so enjoy it!" I said snapped. "No Diana"

he said and started to walk to the front room. "Fine, but I'm gonna wake up unhappy and so are you!

Remember that" I said and shut the door and ran to the bed. "Love you" he yelled. "Whatever" I

yelled back and soon went to sleep.

~next day~

Niall's POV

I feel really bad. I mean it would of been nice to have sex last night, but oh well. I thought she

was drunk. We have had sex twice and the first time we shouldn't of had sex because I was kinda

sober and she was completely wasted. So yeah, I took advantage of her when I shouldn't of. I slept

on the sofa because I knew she would of had an ump with me if I stayed in the room with her and

didn't pleasure her. I know that she really wanted to pleasure me, but I just wanted to sleep. I

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