Chapter 4 the hospital

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Niall's POV

I was walking down the alley that's behind the hotel. I was getting to the end of the alley, when I saw a girl laying on the ground. I ran up to her, it was the same girl Liam, Louis' and I met yesterday. there was a huge puddle of blood around her. She had a knife in her leg and cuts up her arms and face. "wake up.......PLEASE" she wouldn't wake up. I kept on shaking her, but she wouldn't wake up. I picked her up bridal style and ran back to the hotel.

I opened the door and ran to the living room, Louis and Liam were sitting on the sofa, Liam stood up. "Niall, you have to stop going outside the hotel" Louis cut him off. "Why have you got that girl in your arms again and why has she got a knife in her leg and why is she bleeding and why" I cut him off. "Louis, stop asking questions, can't you see she's hurt, please help guys" they both nodded. "Louis, go call 999" I demanded. "Liam will she be okay" I asked. "Yes" he said smiling. Louis came back, "their coming" he said smiling.

*10 minutes later*

The ambulance came and all of us got in.

Once we got to the hospital, the nurse put the girl I saved on a bed. "Do you know what her name is" the nurse asked. "No" I replied, the nurse walked away.

She soon came back with another nurse. One of the nurses came with a piece of paper. "Well, she has lost loads of blood, she's really weak and she won't wake up, she isn't dead but she's in a coma" the nurse said. I gave the nurse the evils and left.

Liam's POV

"Don't mind him, his just sad, I think he has feelings for her" I said cheering up the nurse.

*3 hours later*

Niall came back. "Where were you" I asked. "I was at the cafeteria" he replied and sat on the chair next to the bed where the girl was.

Diana's POV

I could hear everyone's conversations. I tried to move and speak, but I couldn't. That's when I realised I was in a coma. I could sense someone sitting next to me, the person held my hand and kissed it. I have know clue why they kissed my hand, They started talking to me. "Look, I know I have only known you for a day and a bit. But I feel like I have known you forever, please wake up". It was Niall talking, I really wanted to say something but I couldn't. He whispered something in my ear. "I don't even know your name, but I could tell when I first saw you. That you are everything to me, if I had to explain you in one world it would be irresistible". I tried to smile but I couldn't.

Louis' POV

The nurse came back with some equipment. I stood up, "what's happening" I asked. "I'm going to take the knife out of the leg, you lot may wanna step back" she said walking towards the bed. The other nurse came back and shut the curtains. "I think it's best if you all go out" the nurse said. Liam, Niall and I all went out.

*half an hour later*

"You can come in now" the nurse said. We all got up and went in. The knife was gone and there was a bandage round her leg. "Is her leg okay now" Niall asked the nurse. "Every thinks fine, she just has a small whole in her leg, but it should be fine" she replied. Niall smiled and sat down next to the bed. "How long is she going to be in the coma" I asked the nurse. "Know one knows, it can be hours, days, weeks, months or even years" she replied. Niall had a tear come running down his cheek. "Don't worry, she will come out of the coma soon", Liam said cheering Niall up.

I will update soon, I hope you all loved it xxxxxxxx

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