Chapter 19 New family member, Destiny

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Diana's POV

I'm so happy I'm getting married, I haven't told my parents or Elounor yet, but I'm going to do it

very soon. I still don't know what I'm going to do for collage, I was meant to got 2 years ago, but

I didn't because I was too scared. I'm applying this year, I'm actually applying today. "Hun?" I

looked at Niall. "Yes sugar" he smiled. "I'm going to apply for a musical/theatre collage, but

there are loads, I don't know which one to pick" I looked back at my mac book. "What about that

one" he asked pointing to the first collage he saw. "Okay then" I kissed him and thanked him. "It's

going to be strange to go to a collage while I'm engaged" I scratched the back of my head. "It will

be fine and it will be over before you know it" he smiled and kissed me gently.

Dannielle's POV

I struggled to get out of bed everyday. The baby is coming either today or tomorrow. I'm so happy

its a girl because Diana told me that she always wanted a baby sister and here she is. In my big

belly. I can't believe Ellie and Lou are having a baby too. It's so cute and I know that they are

going to be perfect parents. I just hope I can be a fabulous mother to my baby girl. I know I'm

Diana's mother too, but she's really easy to handle and she is a model now, Ellie told me. I'm

so happy for everyone right now. I slowly walked down stairs and to the living room where Liam was

"Are you alright candy?" Liam asked. "Not really, the baby is hurting" I replied. "Awe baby, don't

worry, she will be out soon" he smiled with soft eyes. (I have no clue why I wrote soft eyes, but

oh well :) it will be fine, hopefully). "Do you know what her name is" Liam asked sitting me down.

"I asked Diana to name her. I don't know what she has chosen, but I know it will be a lovely name"

I smiled with kind eyes. (Again, I have no clue why I put that LOL).

I rested my head on Liam's chest and soon fell asleep. *7 hours later* I woke up to the feeling of

wetness all over me. My stomach hurt so much. "Baby, I think your water broke" Liam said while

getting me up and putting a blanket round me. "Fudge, go get the baby stuff and get the car ready

and I will call the guys and tell them the baby is coming" I spoke. He nodded and went to get

everything ready. I didn't swear because apparently it's bad for the baby, I don't know if it's

true, but I'm not taking any chances. I soon rung everyone and they said they are on there way to

the hospital. I then got in the car and we went straight to the hospital. I kept on getting

pains in my stomach and I felt the baby slither down my whom, that's when I knew I was in labour.

Diana's POV

I applied for the collage, Niall said that they will probably send me an email in the next week or

so. About half an hour ago, I got a call from my mom saying she's in labour so Niall and I rushed

to the hospital as soon as she hung up. We are at the hospital now and are waiting outside my mums

room. I sat on Niall's lap because there was only 2 seats and dad is sitting on the other one. At

first it felt weird having a dad who is in One Direction and him being in his early 20's, but I

have gotten use to it. I have chosen my sisters name too, it is a beautiful name. "Honey, what is

the name you picked" dad asked. "Wait and see, I can't tell you now" I smirked. The nurse came out

and asked for me. She said mum wanted me so I came in the room and walked towards her. The nurse

then told everyone to come in and for me and dad to sit beside mum. Mum had a blanket over her you

know..............boobs. She lifted up the blanket, but making sure no one not ever me (LOL) could

see her boobs. "Look, it's your baby sister" she smiled and handed me her. "She is beautiful"

I stared into her deep blue eyes. "So, what is the name you chose" mum asked. I looked up and began

"Destiny Faith Payne" I smiled. "They are lovely names, why Destiny and Faith though? Not that I

have a problem with them, I think they are beautiful" dad asked. "Destiny, because I had no

Destiny, because everything got taken away from me, until you guys adopted me. And I know that

she will have a great Destiny. Faith, because I had no Faith and Destiny will have loads of Faith,

I know that for a fact, and Payne because it's dad's name hahahahahahaha" I smiled and at the

end I started laughing. "Obviously" dad laughed. "That is beautiful and you are too my love. You

have a fantastic Destiny now and you have loads of Faith" Niall smiled and kissed my nose. I fake

smiled, when he said 'you have loads of Faith' because I don't, I have none.


I hope you liked/loved it. It was a little cheesy at the end, but oh well LOL. I will update shortly, byeeeee love you allllll MWWWWWAAAAAHHHHHH xxxxxxx

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