Chapter 1 getting kicked out

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Diana's POV

I woke up to the sound of screaming, It was just my dad and my mum fighting. My mum always does this, she lets my dad beat her up. I heard foot steps coming towards me. The door opened, I pretended I was asleep. "OI DIANA, GET THE FUCK UP, YOUR GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL" my dad shouted. "Sorry" I said getting up. He slammed the door and I then got changed. I wore my white Converse shoes, a pink tank top and a black zip up and my Jeans. I then got my bag, keys and phone and left the house, to go to school. I hate my life, I want another one. I got to school. "Slut" "whore" "bitch" "fatty" "hoe" "fugly" "disgrace" "retard". All these words, come to me as I walk to the school doors, I walk with my head down. I feel ashamed, insecure and worthless. As I walk in, two girls come up to me and push me into my locker, while everyone throws stuff at me. The school bell goes off and everyone walks away. I'm squashed in a tiny locker, it's really hard to get out. A teacher comes along. "Diana, what are you doing in there, you should be in lesson". "Sorry Sr" I apologised. He then pulled me out. When he was gone I got my stuff and went to my lesson, I went in the classroom. "Diana, your late, it's been 15 minutes since the bell went, come and sit down immediately" my teacher said angrily pointing at the chair. Everyone laughed at me. "Slag" the boy behind me said, I put my head down. The bell went, it was the end of the lesson, I have 3 more lessons after this.


First period- Maths


Second period- English

Third period- Science


Forth period- History

I hate these lessons because everyone who hates me, is in these lessons. I just really want to move schools. I was getting some food. "Hey Diana" I heard someone call my name so I looked back. A boy stuck his middle finger at me. "Nice" I whispered to my self. I got my food and went to sit down by the bins. I was walking while drinking chocolate milkshake. Someone tipped it up, so it spilt all over me. I went straight to the toilets, to wash it off. I came out with a brown mark on my zip up, so I took my zip up off and put it round my waist. As I was walking to sit down by the bins, because I had no friends to sit with on a table. I saw two boys come up to me and start beating me up, it was Harry and Zayn, they always do this, the first time they did this, was when we were in year 7, Harry and Zayn are in my year and we all are in year 11. "You don't deserve to live" Harry smirked. Zayn copying. "Yeah Harry's right, you don't" He said spitting at me. Zayn grabbed my neck and pulled me up. Harry then carried on punching me. The bell went, it was period 2. "Come on Zayn, let's leave this cow here, we will carry on, when we next see her" Harry said Laughing. Zayn dropped me and they both walked off. I just sat there curled up and sulking....

The bell went off, it must be the end of the lesson. I got up and went to period 2, I got to the classroom and sat down. I turned round to see someone throw paper plans to me. "Ouch" I said. "Diana, turn round" the teacher said. I turned round and kept my eyes on the clock. I concentrated on the clock waiting for the bell to ring.

*55 minutes Later*

The bell went, I got up and went to period 3....

After period 3 I went to get some food. I was lining up, someone pushed me into a wall. "Ouch" I shouted. Everyone looked at me. "What did you say" Harry asked smirking, he was the one that pushed me. "Nothing" he cut me off. "Yeah that's what I thought". I soon got my food and walked to the bins. I sat down and ate my lunch. Someone came up to me and chucked an apple at me. The apple landed on my knee, it really hurt because that was one of the places were Zayn kicked me. Everyone one got up and walked towards me, I started to cry, they all pointed fingers at me and called me harsh words. I then ran away, I went out of the school gates. I went back home, I opened the door and went to my room quietly. I packed my bags. "DIANA" my dad shouted he came up to my room. "Yes" I was shaking. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING" he yelled. I quickly put my bags under my bed. "n n nothing" I mumbled. "WHY ARE YOU NOT AT SCHOOL, SLUT" he questioned. "I forgot something" I put my head down. "LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU" I looked up. "RIGHT, THAT'S IT" he shouted while slapping me, punching me and kicking me. He then picked me up and threw me out.

I will update soon, so what do you think of it so far.....

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