Chapter 26 Double date

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~6 months later~

Diana's POV

Niall is still going out with Ellie, I think they are still together, I dunno. I haven't taken my

ring off though, cause it's really pretty and it shines, but I hate him at the same time. Marcel

and I have a thing, well everyone says we are going out. Even though he hasn't asked me out, we he

has once, I think. We were in his bedroom and we were kissing and he asked me, but I only heard

'with me'. I guess we are kind of going out, it's complicated. "Sweetie? I'm going on a date with

Aaron tonight, so you have the dorm to yourself. Invite Marcel if you want, but don't get the bed

dirty" Flo said and shut the door behind her. "Oh god, I'M NOT GONNA SLEEP WITH HIM" I yelled and

chucked a pillow at the door. I texted Marcel to come round. He soon came and he brought pizza and

some flowers with him. "Awe, these are so cute and I can't believe you know I love pizza" I smiled.

"It's okay baby" he smiled back and kissed my forehead. "So, what's up" he asked. "Nothing really,

Flo said that she is going on a date with Aaron and I have the place to myself tonight" I replied.

"That's great, we can have fun" he smirked and kissed me.

'Yeah, about that. I'm not ready to have sex with you" I sighed. "If you don't want to, I can wait"

he smiled. "I'm gonna get some Vodka because I have none here" I kissed Marcela and walked to my

car and drove to the shop. I walked in and got my Vodka and paid, I walked out and bumped into

someone and I dropped the Vodka. "Ouch" I said and picked the Pepsi up. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't

notice you" I froze. The dude that said that had an Irish accent. I looked up and saw Niall.

"Niall?" I was shocked, why was he here. "Diana" he smiled. "What are you doing here" I asked.

"Ellie wants something" he replied. "What about you" he raised an eyebrow. "I got some Pepsi

because my boyfriend wanted some" I folded my arms. I know Marcel isn't going out with me, but

still. "Oh, I'm sorry. You should get back to him" he said. "Wait, you still have the ring on" he

added. "Yeah" I nodded slowly. "I would take it off now that you have Ellie, but it looks pretty"

I added. "I'm not going out with Ellie" he said and I froze. "But there are pictures of you to

kissing" I looked at his eyes. "Management didn't like our relationship so they set Ellie and I

up" he sighed. "Oh...well it doesn't seem fake, it looks like you are a real couple, so I'm gonna

believe that and not believe you" I said and walked away. "But Diana" he yelled. "I love you" he

whispered, but I could hear him still.

I got back and poured Marcel and I some Vodka. "Wanna get drunk" he asked. "Wanna get wasted" I

smirked and downed the vodka. "Baby, you know we can be a couple if you want" he said hugging me.

"I know, but it's just an....okay, let's be a couple" I smiled and hugged him back. "Love you baby

boo" he said and kissed me. That's what Niall use to call me. "Love you too star" I said and kissed

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