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The three train rides had happened.

Now was the time for the fourth and final train ride to Hogwarts. My final year. The years seemed to have melted away, with each memory that I recaollected.

What would I do after Hogwarts ? Was there anything but Hogwarts ? The answer would be clear once I arrived at the platform with the slip in my hands, ready to begin my adult life.

Now it was the final time for the usual seven year routine. Apperate to Platform 9 3/4 then say goodbye to my parents, get on the train. Find my carriage, put my luggage in the overhead carrier. Wait for Ellie to turn up and place her luggage as well.

Ellie hadn't turned up. Sliding open the door, feeling the train rock slowly into motion against the tracks. Making my way down the main Slytherin cart, to try and find her.

An arm on my wrist stops me from walking any further. Pansy, was my instant thought but when my eyes glanced down at the snow coloured skin of Draco Malfoy, my expression was surprised and bewildered.

"What are you doing ?" He asks bitterly, like he cared. We hadn't spoken since fourth year after Pansy told me to 'Stay away or I'll regret it'

"I'm going to find Ellie," I reply, pulling my wrist out of his grasp "You know Ellie, about medium height shorter than me, shining green-blue eyes, has a cat," I elaborate, Draco's expression vacant.

Sighing, knowing that what I would say next would get a clearer answer.

"The one that hangs around with the Potter boy" I sigh, looking at him.

"Oh her," He scoffs, Pansy sat by looking at him in awe. Dumb Witch "She's with the Potter boy and his lowlife friends" He replies, sitting down Pansy's gaze not breaking.

The words mull over and process in my mind.

Low life ? What has he got against them anyway ?

Walking through the Slytherin carriage and towards the Gryffindor carriages to try and find Ellie.

Peaking quickly with each carriage I passed hoping to find them quickly. Again I was stopped, by a voice behind me.

"Where do you think you're going ?" A voice asks, turning around my eyes land on the forever handsome. George Weasley.

"Hey George," I reply, turning to face him leaning against a, empty, carriage door "What's up ?" I ask, smiling.

"Well I was wondering if we, well, my brother and I could have a chat ?" George asks cheekily, I shake my head in disbelief.

"Why would you need my help ?" I ask chuckling, George slides open the carriage door and gestures for me to walk in.

Being, obviously, the smart person I am. Walked in.

"Well we're gonna plan something huge," George smiles, sliding the door closed behind him taking a seat next to his twin "And we need your help" He continues.

"Again I'm asking," I sigh, looking between both of the twins "Why me ?"

"Well who was the one who put eye of newt in Professor Snapes potion making his hair turn pink in first year ?" Fred urged, lifting an eyebrow.

"Which got both of us in some deep trouble by the way," George whined, rubbing it in my face that I got to Snape before they could "You're the secret master of pranks-"

"And getting us into trouble" Fred smiles, finishing his sentence.

"Fine," I sigh giving in and leaning closer, putting my hands on each of the outer shoulders "Let's cause some mischief" I smile.

A sly grin growing on each of their faces.


The time passed so quickly, finalising each specific detail. I couldn't wait for it to happen.

"Right so do it during when your brothers year have their O.W.L's that's just after our final NEWT and free period got it ?" I ask, looking at them hoping they understood the timings correctly.

"I know how much you love exams Elyse" Fred quirks, sarcasm in his tone.

"Don't worry we'll be sitting the same exam so we won't be able to mess up" George reasures me, I get up reaching for the carriage handle and pulling it open.

"And guys don't worry you'll be amazing" I smile, walking out.

Leaving the cart letting the door close behind me, walking back through the carriages back to mine.

Looking out the window, hastily approaching Hogsmead Station. The Hogwarts Express came to a halt. Slinging my backpack onto my shouldersand letting Snowball out of her cage she climbs up onto my shoulders, nuzzling her nose against my cheek.

Sliding open the carriage door and walking out onto the platform and seeing Harry, Ron, Hermione but no Ellie.

Where is she ?

Walking over to them, Harry looks strangly at the train. Turning to Hermione and striking up conversation with her.

"Hey Hermione, do you know what happened to Ellie ?" I ask confused, she looks over to me with a sad look.

"Well after the Tri-Wizard Tournament her parents well-since we broke up for the holidays, she sent me. . .this" Hermione says sadly, my heart sank, she handed me a small letter. It wasn't even half a page long.

Dear Hermione,
I'm sorry it has to be this way but I don't wan't Elyse worrying about me or coming to find me. I'm not coming back to Hogwarts this year, I may come back for visits. After my parents found out about Voldemort they packed my things and before I knew it I was zoomed away to America. Looks like I'm going to be a transfer student. I'm so sorry, I had no idea this would happen and would miss you all dearly. I'll see you again someday. I'll try to send letters if I can.

Best wishes your friend,

"What is this ?" I ask, tears starting to form in the corners of my eyes.

They drop onto the page, my trembling hands causing them to slide further down the page.

"She's not coming back" Hermione says.

No response left my lift. The only person that cared and wanted to be my friend. Gone. Now all I have are Harry, Ron and Hermione. Along with Fred and George.

What was I going to do now ?

The Punch Line ~George Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now