Percy & Annabeth: Date nights

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TYPE ONE: the ice skating kind

"Percy, help!"

"It's easy, Wise Girl, just move your feet like this," he shows her.

"This is the hardest thing ever!" she groans.

"And you say calculus is easy? This is way easier than calculus! Try it one more time for me?"

She tries again, but fails and falls on her butt.

Instead of being a hero, Percy laughs at his girlfriend on the ice. She's staring daggers at him, but he just laughs as he skates over to help.

"C'mon," he says as he tries to pull her up.

He didn't anticipate it, but he should've. Annabeth pulled him down and he too lands on his butt.

"That was for laughing at me," Annabeth says as she stands up and attempts to skate again.

TYPE TWO: the willing kind

"Quick, Percy! We've got to be in the front of the line!" Annabeth rushed Percy.

Percy knew he shouldnt've brought up the idea of taking Annabeth to the museum. Percy hated museums. He only thought of the idea because he knew Annabeth liked museums. Sure, seeing her giddy and excited face made him happy, but he was really regretting bringing her here.

"Ugh, we don't need to be the first to enter. Besides, there's literally no one."

"We're gonna spend the whole afternoon here, Seaweed Brain. It's only a day! I need way more than a day to see all the fascinating monuments. Do you think there'll be any Greek stuff in here? Because if there are, I hope they're historically accurate."

"Stop thinking and let's just go," Percy said as he dragged her in.


"Are we done yet?" Percy asked for the tenth time in the first hour.

"No, we're not even done with the first level!" 

"I shouldn't have agreed to go with you."

"I thought you loved me."

"I do love you, but I don't love architecture and this stuff."

"But I love them, and whatever I love, you love."

"You don't love spiders."

"That's different."


After spending more than three hours in the museum, Annabeth agreed to leave. Mainly because Percy was whining like a five year old. Despite not being able to concentrate on the whole tour (she made it a point to come back to the museum without Percy), she was glad that he had agreed to go with her. 

The day wasn't a total waste for Percy. He heard her rambling useless facts and her happy and excited face made him feel that it was totally worth being in the museum for three hours.

TYPE THREE: the lazy kind

"Exams are finally over," Annabeth sighed with relief as she laid her head on Percy's lap.

"I'm so happy you're no longer spending time with your books," Percy replied.

"So what are you gonna do now?" Annabeth asks as she gets up going to the kitchen.

It's been a lazy day for both Percy and Annabeth and Percy was enjoying it so much.

"Let's cook," he says as he follows her into the kitchen.

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