Ch. 30 The Battle

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In an instant Freya's guards entered the room taking out three of our strongest demons. I swung my sword killing the man closest to me as Lake turned to fight another. I ran through the crowd as another guard swung his sword at me. I blocked his strike with my sword struggling to push him back. I sidestepped sending him tumbling to the floor. I dragged my blade across his neck killing him quickly. I looked around trying to find Freya but couldn't locate her. I winced as a sharp pain hit my arm. I turned to find a graze wound from a bullet. I saw the bullet came from a guard on the balcony. He aimed for me. I teleported to the balcony hitting him with my elbow. He dropped the gun taking a swing at me. I gasped as his fist connected with my face. I staggered against the railing my sword slipping from my grip. My power grew and grew before I pushed all my strength against him. He fell to his knees struggling to reach me. He tried to fight through the pain but still cried out. Blood spilled from his nose before he collapsed on his side dead. I breathed heavily picking up my sword. I looked down at the battle below me and saw we had the advantage. My eyes locked onto Lake's as we had a telepathic discussion.

"I'm going for Freya," I said to him.

"Are you sure you can handle her alone?" He asked me. He blocked a guard before shooting him.

"Someone has to go for her," I snapped as he sighed.

"Let me come with you," he said firmly. He teleported to me taking my hand. We raced down the peaceful hallway toward her room. I could almost forget the battle. I pulled the door open surprised when she wasn't there. I shut my eyes picturing her face.

"I know where she is," I spoke quickly as I teleported us to her location. I gasped as Lake's hand slipped from mine as if he was being blocked. I landed not where Freya was but in a dark hallway far from the battle. My eyes found those familiar blue in the shadows. I gripped my sword tightly as he stepped into the light.

"Chrystal," his voice stole my breath. He walked toward me as I stood frozen. My heart raced as his hand touched my cheek. A light filled me as he gazed into my eyes. The sword hit the ground as his lips hovered inches from mine. I longed for their touch. "I have missed you." I looked at him as our lips touched. The electricity ran through me as I leaned into him. I felt a sadness and a joy fill my body replacing the dark anger. His hands rested on my waist as I wrapped my arms around him. My true weakness stood in my arms, I forgot how much he was a piece of me. My clouded emotions became clearer the longer I kissed him. The darkness faded completely as a light took that space. James pulled away as tears cascaded down my face.

"I'm so sorry," I sobbed as he held me.

"This isn't your fault Chrystal," James said firmly and I felt the honesty in his words.

"I love you, I love you," I muttered as he wiped my tears.

"And I love you," he said without hesitation. The difference between Lake and James is honesty. James loved me and the love I had in me was completely about James. Whatever Lake and I were wasn't real but a fantasy a work of fiction. Lake didn't love me at all. I had to fix this and I had to fight through my emotions to do this. I knew only I could stop the battle raging a few rooms away. I must ignore the nagging questions about my father and return to the fight.

"I have to end this," I whispered as James looked at me with sadness. He didn't want to let go but he did. "I love you and you alone!"

"Come back to me," he said firmly with tears in his icy gaze.

"Always," I vowed pulling out of his arms. I teleported to the battle finding Lake waiting for me. I stared into his eyes and saw how soulless he truly was and he saw my light bubbling up inside me. I looked around the room seeing only the demons left and I had to fight them all.

"Little Chrystal resisting once again, pity I loved your power," he said flatly as I stood in front of him. "Oh well, I'll finish you quickly."

"Don't count on that!" I spat as his darkness knocked me across the room. The room filled with laughter. I winced getting to my feet. He aimed at me again as I put up a barrier. His darkness pushed against the wall as I strained to keep the barrier up. I saw Lake's growing irritation as I continued to hold him back. He rushed forward punching me in the face. I stepped back touching my lip. I found blood on my fingertip as I launched Lake across the room. He hit the wall with a bang. He slumped to the floor as the demons watched us fight. I approached him slowly when he blasted me with his full power. I screamed out in pain falling to my knees. I clutched my mark as the light magic hummed to life trying to protect me. Ironic the mark he gave me delayed his ability to kill me.

"Give in," he yelled as I put my free hand on the ground. My lungs tightened begging for air. His magic strangled the light inside me as spots floated across my vision. My body pleaded for me to give in but I had to fight for my family, for James. If I gave in I would kill them all. James words echoed in my head, come back to me.

"Always," I said through gritted teeth forcing myself to stand. This was the battle, the one that would end in my death, I was going to defeat Lake to save us all. I stood there my body in agony but I refused to kneel to him, never again...

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