Ch. 11 Spliced Memories

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I danced inside a nightclub as I normally do. The hypnotic music made me feel sexy as I swayed. My phone vibrated in my purse causing me to head for the door. I exited the club to answer my phone. As I stepped out of the exit and I ran right into a man carrying heavy textbooks. He dropped them onto the pavement as I gasped.

"I'm sorry, I am such a klutz," I said embarrassment flushing my cheeks as I scrambled to help him pick them up.

"It's alright," he said as we looked at each other. He was sweet and his stunning jade eyes that watched me with fascination. "I'm Lake."

"I'm Chrystal," I smiled at him. I waited for him to say more but when he didn't I decided to leave. "I should go."

"Wait what are you doing tomorrow night?" Lake asked as I blushed.

"Are you asking me out?" I smirked as he nodded. "Then I'm going out with you."

"Here's my number," he said handing me a piece of paper.

"See you tomorrow," I smiled at him before walking to my car driving home.
"Chrystal we are going to be late," Lake whined as I put on my eyeliner.

"I'm almost done," I called putting down the eyeliner stepping out of the bathroom. His best friend was getting married and he asked me to be his plus one.

"You look beautiful," he smiled taking my hand. "How did I get so lucky to bump into you a month ago?"

"Fate," I smiled at him as he pulled me in for a long slow kiss before we made our way to his car. My violet silk dress matched his tie. We arrived at the church getting out rushing inside. Lake showed me to my seat in the front row before leaving me to be in the wedding. The wedding didn't take long and soon we were dancing the night away. His hand rested on my hips as I rocked with him. My heart fluttered only confirming how much I was starting to care for him.
A few weeks later was the night that everything changed. He told me about his magic and we also figured out that I also had powers. Mine were intense and amplified his.

"This can't be real," I muttered as we used our magic.
"Chrystal, marry me," he blurted out after we watched the sun set. We grew quiet as I looked to see if he was serious. "We both have magic and we are like one person. I can't imagine my life without you."

"Yes," I said after thinking for a moment. An engagement may be too fast but I had no fear. He was like a piece of me and I couldn't think of my life without him. Lake conjured a stunning engagement ring onto my finger.
My eyes flew open as I coughed. My eyes searched for Lake but he wasn't here.

"Chrystal," a man said rushing to me.

"Where's Lake?" I asked as a man looked confused.

"What do you mean? He nearly killed you Chrystal," the man said as I got to my feet.

"I need to see him," my mind began to panic, Lake wouldn't hurt me. Lake would know what was happening.

"Chrystal don't you remember me. I'm James your guardian," the man said grabbing my arm. I pushed him away calling for Lake. I needed him, I couldn't remember anything from the last few months. James tried to touch me again but this time I teleported away. I went to Lake's home hoping to find him.

"Lake!" I cried running through his house with several people trying to grab me.

"Chrystal," I found his green eyes filled with concern. He rushed to me pulling me into his arms. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I woke up somewhere I didn't know and I was with some guy who kept trying to grab me," I sobbed as he rubbed my back. I felt my emotions calming the longer Lake held me.

"I promise I won't let him near you again," Lake vowed before his lips brushed mine. I looked at my left hand to find my ring gone.

"Where's my ring?" I gasped as he conjured it.

"We took it off to go skiing and then you never came back. I was afraid the dark witches had gotten to you," he said slipping the ring on my finger. I nodded in agreement. His story made sense, that could be why there was a gap in my memory.

"Chrystal, don't trust him," a voice in my head said. I pushed it away not wanting to tell Lake about the voice. I jumped as the doors burst open. The man from before and a man with dark hair stood before us.

"Chrystal please don't believe Lake," James said stepping forward. "Your father and I love you, please don't be fooled by him."

"Baby he isn't your father. Go upstairs while I handle this," Lake said as I looked between them. I wondered if this man could be my father.

"Chrissy please," his green gaze pleaded with me but I couldn't bring myself to doubt Lake. I turned walking to the stairs when I heard Lake grunt in pain. I spun to find him pinned to the ground with magic. Quickly, without one moment of pause, I walked toward them. I found myself stepping in front of Lake shielding him from their powers. I winced looking at them refusing to let them kill Lake. I saw shock fill my father's face as he stopped using his powers. He didn't want to hurt me. This confused me because Lake didn't think he was my father. I cried out in pain as magic hit me from behind. I fell to my knees seeing Lake using his power on me from the corner of my eye.

"Lake," I gasped trying desperately to hold back my tears.

"Leave or I'll end her," Lake spat with cold dead eyes. I thought he loved me, that he would never hurt me for any reason and yet his magic ripped into me. Could James be telling the truth...

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