Ch. 28 Mom

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"Can you give us a minute?" My mom asked her coworker. He nodded stepping into the hall. I looked into her blue eyes glad just to be able to see her. I thought I had lost her today. Once out of ear shot she faced me before saying, "you were telling the truth. My little girl," she got out of the bed to hug me. I relaxed into her embrace. After a few minutes she pulled away looking at me. My mom believed me and loved me for who I became even though I had magical powers. I smiled at her before pain rushed through me. I winced clutching my mark. I instantly got a clear read of where Lake was and his location made my blood run cold.

"Dad," I whispered teleporting both my mom and me to his house. I looked around the kitchen for my father. Tears filled my eyes seeing him on the wood floor with too much blood pooled beneath him. I limped over to him as my mom rushed to us. "Daddy!" I cried out as my mom grabbed a gun off the table.

"Hello my love," Lake called to me stepping out of the shadows. I aimed my powers at him but nothing happened. I must still be too drained from earlier. Lake's arm wrapped around my waist before my mom could even line up a shot. He held me in front of him like a shield.

"Let her go!" My mom yelled as he laughed. She wasn't a threat to him.

"Make me," Lake laughed before teleporting away with me in his arms. We landed in the Entryway of the Kiam mansion. Grace smiled at us as Lake tossed me to side. I rolled across the floor my stomach throbbing from my partially healed bullet wound. I groaned as my mark heated up trying to warn me. Grace looked at me with fake concern in her eyes. She had no emotions other than anger and disappointment.

"Don't worry, the pain will soon stop," Grace spat as her dark magic pressed into me. Pain racked my body as she tried desperately to get me to take in the darkness. I fought against her but exhaustion weighed on me. My body weakened from the day's events began to take in small pieces of dark energy. My emotions started to cloud with the darkness.

"Lake please," I pleaded but he just laughed. I closed my eyes in defeat before the darkness plunged deeply into me. The familiar addictive power filled me as the wounds healed completely. My eyes flew open as Lake helped me to my feet. I eagerly pressed my lips to his hungrily as he pulled me tightly against his body. After we pulled apart I looked down at my appearance to see I had a hospital gown on. I conjured a new red silk dress that clung to my curves.

"My queen," he smiled reaching for my hand.

"My king," I said taking his hand. Lake led me out of the house where several demons waited for us.

"Safe and sound," Lake told them. "Our next move is to face Freya. The hunters are too weak to hurt us now so we must end our final threat, Freya's army."

"Lake and I will survey the arms to see how best to fight them," I said as Lake snaked his arm around my waist. He used his magic to make us invisible before teleporting to Freya's base. This time we wouldn't have to worry about anti magic protection. We walked around the compound passing a few armed guards. I spotted Freya in a discussion with one of the men.

"Chrystal has rejoined Lake though we don't know their location," he told Freya. I smirked next to Lake with pleasure. Their lack of knowledge was insightful.

"I never should have given her to Grace. I know they will come for me soon. My only shot is to get Chrystal away from them or we all will die," Freya sighed in frustration. "James might be able to figure out her next move. He knew her best."

"I'll consult with him," the man said before walking away. He left Freya vulnerable, killing her now would be easy. Lake shook his head to say leave her. He didn't want to fight her yet. We walked toward the guardians' section of the compound. In a few seconds we could tell she had a bigger army than the hunters. Lake took my hand teleporting back to the compound. He uncloaked us quickly.

"We will need everyone together to breach her defenses," Lake muttered as I nodded.

"Grace should come with us. Her knowledge of Freya is more in depth than ours," I added before Lake led me into the house.

"Soon we can reclaim our rightful place instead of hiding in the shadows," Lake said caressing my cheek. "And then we focus on an heir to the dynasty." His lips crashed against mine as he held me close. Fire flowed through me his darkness tangling with my own. He teleported to the bedroom pushing me onto the silk sheets. He climbed on top of me his lips trailing from my jaw to my neck. I gasped as my heart raced. My breath hitched as his lips reached mine once more. I pulled his shirt off before he ripped my dress off. My nails dug into his back as his lips caressed mine. I craved his touch and his darkness.

"Lake," I muttered against his lips. "I love you."

"And I you," he said before collapsing against me. I looked into his eyes as he lay next to me. I ran my finger down his cheek as he reached up gripping my hand. "You are perfect, powerful and beautiful." A blush crept across my cheeks as I smiled at him. I lay my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around me. I drifted off slowly. Soon I could walk down the street with Lake without fear and all would bow before us.

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