Ch. 17 Chrystal Shards

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My father glared daggers at me as I sat in front of him. At this point the woman had left leaving me to speak to my father.

"Is there a way I can prove if I am your daughter?" I asked as he looked at the picture in his hand.

"Take off your left shoe," he said as I pulled it off. He looked at the bottom of my foot, there it was, the birthmark. "She said you were dead."

"She says a lot of things that aren't true," I said bitterly. She claimed to care about me but that was all a lie.

"My little girl," he whispered suddenly sobered by the reality of me. I stood to hug him when my legs gave out. I hit the ground with a thud. My necklace glowed red searing my flesh. Within moments my father ripped the necklace off me tossing it aside. The necklace slid across the floor stopping only when it hit the wall.

"They are coming," I managed to say to him moments before the house became filled with the order of Kiam. My father held me in his arms gently as he looked at them.

"Hand Chrystal over safely and we will let you live," Grace growled. I clung to my father's arm as he readied himself to fight even though he knew he could not win. He put down a circle of salt around us though its protection wouldn't last for long.

"Dad, I'm sorry I brought them here," I said tears in my eyes. I saw Mark's eyes widen at my use of dad. He knew Brad was a hunter. I felt my magic ripple in my body before bursting. The power floated through the air around the order of Kiam before it hit Mark. He broke through a window hitting the grass outside. My dad stood up holding my weak body close to himself.

"It isn't your fault kiddo," he said softly. "I promise we will get through this."

"How? There are so many of them. I couldn't even save my love from them," I gasped when I felt the familiar magic, James. My power became strong as James, even in death, reinforced my magic.

"What's happening?" My father asked as my hand glowed. My heart raced as his ghostly fingers ran up my arm. He was the light that started at my hand but made its way to my cheek.

"James," I whispered as he laughed in my ear.

"Chrystal stay with me," my father said quickly as I had started slipping.

"He's here," I said as Mark made his way toward us.

"Who?!" He growled nailing my father with his magic. We tumbled to the ground. I rolled across the floor away from my father unwillingly. I sat up part way looking as Mark walked toward my father.

"No!" I screamed as he looked at me.

"He's a hunter. He will hurt you," Mark said holding up a knife. I felt my magic rush through me before it put up a barrier around my father protecting him. Mark tried to stab him but the knife turned to crystal before shattering against the barrier. Mark faced me in anger.

"I won't let you hurt him," I snapped without fear. He could kill me but I knew my power would protect my father.

"You never learn. You can't beat me," he growled grabbing my throat picking me up. I stayed calm in the face of him, in complete control.

"Chrystal," my father gasped standing just behind the barrier.

"I'm fine," I said as electricity rushed from my body causing Mark to drop to his knees. He glared at me but I couldn't find any fear in my body.

"Kill her, now!" He said harshly. The magic hit me all at once. The pain I felt was indescribable but I refused him the satisfaction of a scream. My body radiated agony but still, I stood. Just as the pain started to wear me down I felt his magic. James was taking my pain and blocking their power. His power added fuel to my own as I held out my hand. I forced Mark onto his knees as the rest of the order watched.

"You can't hurt me anymore!" I growled as he let out a scream. I didn't stop, not even when blood dripped from his nose.

"Chrystal, don't let him make you a monster," my father pleaded from the other side of the barrier.

"He killed his own son," I spat coldly. My father's sad eyes looked at me with pity and regret.

"My little girl shouldn't have gone through what you have. I'm sorry I couldn't, couldn't protect you," my father said as I looked down. I felt myself retracting from my powers as Mark grew quiet. I walked through the barrier and into my father's arms. Tears rushed down my face as he held me. I was happy to find him but deep inside I wanted James. James should be here but he couldn't. He couldn't because of the man who should love him.

"I loved him," I whispered as my father rubbed my back.

"He would have left you anyway," Mark growled as my father stiffened. He didn't want me to kill but he also didn't want Mark to hurt me either.

"He was your son!" I screamed angrily. I felt James's presence trying to calm me. I felt his ghostly arms around me. One was on my side the other held my left hand. If he wasn't a ghost I could lean back against his body. I shut my eyes picturing him, his icy eyes and his smile that calmed me always. He was the love of my life and having him so close yet just out of reach hurt me yet I couldn't let him go, for losing him would be a curse, a curse worse than death itself. "James," I whispered as a warmth filled me. In spite of death he could still affect me. I decided in this moment that I would bring him back no matter what, I will save him.

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