Ch. 3 Run

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"Who are you?" The voice called to me. "Come to me."

"Why should I?" I demanded as a hand grabbed onto mine. I struggled trying to pull away.

"You are family Chrystal and somehow I will get you back," the voice laughed. How had he known my name but didn't at the beginning?

I snapped to a sitting position covered in sweat. Thank god, it was just a dream. I gasped as my eyes saw Sam standing next to my bed watching me. The room was so dark that I couldn't really see her face though I knew it was her.

"Sam what the hell," I said getting to my feet. She didn't talk but continued to watch me. My heart began to pound, I could feel something wasn't right. I gasped as her body bent at an impossible angle.

"Chrystal," the voice from the dream called from Sam's body.

"Lake!" I yelled but he didn't move.

"This is for you Chrystal, all for you," the voice spat as Sam's body approached me. I stepped back as her body kept coming.

"Lake damn it wake up!" I screamed shaking him careful to watch where Sam was. I screamed as Sam grabbed me. I fought as hard as I could against the grip her body had. "Sam if you are still in there wake up."

"Sam is dead and has been since you got here. We knew about Lake and who he would turn to," the voice laughed. I winced as something rushed through me, something strange but strong. "Powerful little thing aren't you. You get that from me." My worst fears were realized in this moment, my father was a monster and I would have to face what my life is to become, love him as a monster or sacrifice him for the world. Did I want to be like him, I still didn't know.

"Let go!" I ordered grabbing onto the feeling inside, this was magic and I had to use it.

"It will take more than simple magic to get free of me," the voice laughed. I stopped resisting physically and just focused on the power allowing it to build.

"Chrystal," I heard Lake say as he stood up. I had broken through whatever barrier my dad had placed between us.

"Lake help me," I muttered as I felt Sam's hand wrap around my throat.

"Move even think about magic and she's dead family or not!" The voice said harshly. I felt a tear slip down my cheek before I jabbed my elbow into Sam's body. I squirmed free as I rushed toward Lake. I touched my throat finding three thin scratches on the side of my neck. Lake's hand touched my side as we looked toward Sam's body.

"Shouldn't we I don't know run," I muttered as Lake looked at me. I knew what was coming before the words left his mouth. I didn't want him to say it but still he did.

"I'll hold him off you run. Never stop running, not even for a second. You are good Chrystal and don't you forget that," Lake said firmly before I took off running leaving Lake reluctantly. He was right we didn't stand a chance but he could give me enough time to get away. I rushed from the room down the stairs and through the store before finally reaching the street.

"Shit," I murmured running toward the city. My feet pounded into the cement as I ran. I had no knowledge of magic and now it appears I am about to be on my own.

"You can't hide forever," his voice spoke in my ear. I knew he wasn't there but still hearing his voice was chilling. I didn't want to admit the fact that he was right, I couldn't keep hidden any longer. I felt a burst of magic rush out of my body as I fell to my knees. The power was draining and uncontrollable. I fought the magic inside trying desperately to make it stop but I had no idea how to use it. The situation was hopeless, without help I'm done and will soon be found. I don't want to go with my father but if he came I wouldn't fight him.

"Who says I'm hiding," I murmured as I collapsed onto my side. The world felt slowed as I waited for someone to find me.

"It's her, the girl," a voice muttered.

"What do we do?" Another asked.

"We could hand her over in exchange for our lives," the first one said.

"But that would give him what he wants," the second one said. I was too weak to move or even chime in on the discussion.

"Let's at least take her to the coven and decide then," the first said as they scoped me up. I hung limply in their arms as they teleported to their coven.

"Is she okay?" The second asked looking at me. The second guy could feel the magic oozing from my body as the first guy set me down.

"Amelia come quick," the first guy called with concern on his face.

"What's wrong?" A young girl with blonde hair asked. She looked at me her fingers touching the necklace. "It's her but what happened to her?"

"We found her lying in the road," the first guy answered.

"She is just dripping dark energy everywhere," Amelia muttered. That explained why I couldn't control it.

"What should we do?" The first one questioned.

"Kill her. She is just as dark as he is and it will hurt him to lose her," Amelia said flatly. I was in the middle of two people feuding and their only answer results in my death. I gasped as the magic shifted inside me before calming. I opened my eyes looking at Amelia.

"How can you be so cold?" Was the only thing I said.

"Me, cold, that's funny because I didn't used to be," she said grabbing my throat. "Your father is the reason I'm like this. He took the only thing that meant a damn to me. He took my best friend a few minutes away from where you were found!"

"Who?" I asked my mind drifting to Sam.

"Lake was everything I stood for," she said as I pushed her off me.

"You know I was there. My father was coming for me and Lake made me run. He said it was the only chance I had to get away from him," I said tears slipping down my face. Lake was good and I knew somehow I had to avenge him even if it meant working with Amelia.

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