Ch. 4 Leverage

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Leverage was something I never thought I would have to deal with but I was naive to think that in a world filled with darkness, there is always a person who will use you to their advantage...

"You know Lake?" Amelia gasped as I looked at her with anger.

"He saved me and promised to help me hide from my father. If Lake hadn't tried to kill me my father never would have known about me," I said loudly.

"You didn't know your father?" She asked still not getting it through her head.

"I didn't even know about magic or I could have helped Lake instead of running from my father," I murmured as she nodded.

"Silly child," the voice whispered to me. My breath hitched as my throat constricted. "You should know in war there are two sides the winning and the losing. The winning side does everything to get what they want, are you willing to do that? Come to me and I'll let Lake go, don't and I'll make you watch him die!"

"Amelia, he has Lake," I said softly as she stared at me. I could see the confusion on her face. Only I could hear my father.

"He never takes hostages. He kills and kills but never takes," she said her voice trembling. "What does he want?"

"Me," I said without hesitation. I believed she cared for Lake just as I grew to care for him. I owed him my life and I was willing to give it. "Amelia, I will make the trade."

"But Lake wanted you to be free," she said as I reached up touching the necklace.

"Lake deserves his freedom more than I do," I said giving the necklace a sharp yank. "Be safe." I felt my father's magic swirling around me. If this was losing I didn't care because saving Lake was a win for me. Even if it was a small win in this eternal battle. I watched as I was teleported away and to where my father was. I stood in the middle of a huge room with only a few chairs in the center, necklace in my hand.

"Chrystal," my father said as I turned. He stood there his green eyes staring at me. He was tall and strong with dark hair. He looked kind and gentle, not at all like I thought he would.

"Where is Lake?" I said after a minute. I felt a longing for family though I also knew he would never be the father I wanted.

"Safe with Amelia," my father said. How did he know her name? He stalked toward me circling me as my breathing became ragged. I could feel his magic swirling around us as I tried to remain calm.

"What are you going to do to me?" I said as his hand reached out caressing my cheek.

"Protect you Chrystal," he said firmly.

"From what?" I asked as his eyes locked on the necklace in my hand. His entire demeanor changed. He stepped back his face growing hard and dangerous.

"Where did you get that?!" He spat as I looked at the necklace I held tightly in my hand.

"I don't know. I was found with it," I muttered as he reached for it. I gasped as a blinding light filled the room before knocking him across the room. I covered my mouth the necklace falling to the ground. How could something so small do that to him? "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine but you need to get rid of the necklace," he said calmly. He got to his feet walking toward me.

"But it's the only thing I have connecting me to my past," I said picking it up. I clipped the necklace around my throat as he walked toward me.

"Be carful Chrystal, that is dangerous volatile magic," he said taking my arm. "I'll show you to your room, I have a lot to do today but I will send people to keep you happy."

"What do you mean send? Like order them regardless of if they want to?" I asked softly and respectfully. I didn't want to anger him when I was defenseless.

"Chrystal I want you to know you have nothing to fear from me," he said as I faced him. He ignored my question so I dropped it.

"Did you know about me?" I asked as this question had been nagging at me. I hoped he would answer this one.

"Yes but when you were a baby someone took you," he said a haunted look in his jade eyes. "I tried to find you but couldn't and for that I am sorry."

"Why are people so afraid of you?" I questioned.

"I'm strong in a way they are not just as you are strong," he said as we stepped into a large golden room. I looked at the queen sized bed with purple silk sheets. There was a bookcase along one wall filled with books. I walked over to a pair of French doors finding a balcony overlooking the city below. There was a large tv, a couch, and lots of things to do. I made my way to the walk in closet seeing several dresses. The dresses were stunning and looked straight off the red carpet. "Is the room okay?"

"It's perfect," I said softly as he smiled.

"There is a party tonight to show you off to my followers so be ready by six. My hairdresser will be by to get you ready," he said before walking away. I sat on the bed looking at what was to be my life. Locked away in a tower brought out only to be shown off. I was like a piece of property with no say in anything anymore. At least I was well kept property I thought bitterly. I didn't want to be his property! I found myself thinking of Lake, was he alive, had my father lied? I was sure I would never know Lake's outcome no matter how much I wanted him. The longer I thought of him the more I realized how fond I was of him. I was undoubtedly attracted to Lake and he would never know. How did I end up here?

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