Ch. 9 Feuding Emotions

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James stood just behind me to the left as I looked at my parents.

"Drake it's your fault," Freya said harshly. "If she wasn't your child they wouldn't have chosen her!"

"My fault! How dare you say this is my fault!" My father growled as I sighed. I walked over to my father's throne taking a seat. They continued to bicker about who was at fault for another hour before I yelled.

"Stop!" I cried out jumping to my feet. "The arguing won't change the fact that I'm powerful and in danger."

"Chrystal," James said pointing at my hands, they were glowing.

"Damn it," I whined taking a breath to calm myself. I opened my eyes as gasps filled the room. "What?"

"Your eyes are glowing a bright blue, more so than before," James said as I ran to a mirror. They were right, unnaturally blue.

"But I don't feel like I'm using the magic," I said softly.

"That could be a problem," my father said as I looked at him.

"Don't say it like that," Freya scolded her hard gaze seemed to soften the longer my mother was near me.

"If you can't control the power, the magic may consume you," my father said as my heart pounded erratically.

"How can I stop it," I muttered as James stepped toward me. He placed his hands on my hips his head resting on mine.

"Breathe," James said as a warmth cracked in the air. I kicked myself for even a momentary fleeting thought of James. I cared for Lake and shouldn't think of anyone but him. I shut my eyes focusing on my breathing. My body released its tension as I relaxed. I opened my eyes stepping out of James's embrace feeling self conscious. I saw my father's gaze analyzing our movements trying to determine if we were a couple. "Your eyes are better."

"Thanks," I said my voice tight with my hidden emotions. I turned on my heels walking into the hall before making my way to my room. I tossed my old clothes on the ground grabbing jeans and a white tank top pulling them on quickly. I sat on the bed thinking of Lake who was out there possibly hurt.

"Chrissy," my mother's voice called. She stood in the now open doorway.

"Mom, what happened to Lake?" I asked softly.

"He is fine. I never took him, just his phone," she said as I looked at her.

"I miss him so much," I said as her chocolate gaze filled with a knowing pain.

"I will bring him to you if you want," she said as I nodded.

"Please," I said as she teleported away. It took ten minutes for her to return. I felt a smile spread across my lips as I rushed into Lake's arms.

"Chrystal," Lake breathed holding me tightly against himself.

"Are you alright?" I asked him looking him over.

"Yes, are you? You seem different," he said carefully.

"I'm okay just confused," I said simply. "I am strong because I was crafted into my own amulet."

"I suspected that when I learned who you were," Lake said. "Do you remember anything?"

"I wish I did," I murmured as his hand touched mine.

"I might be able to reach that part of your memory," Lake spoke quickly. "We will have to go high into the Everglades to a friend who can sort through memories."

"Even if they are fractured memories?" I asked as he smiled.

"He can read even the toughest witches," Lake said as I beamed at him. Lake held my hand as I led him to explain to my father. After he explained the room sat in silence as he thought for a moment.

"You may go but he careful," my father said firmly.

"But sir he isn't one of us," James jumped in earning a glare from my father.

"Are you questioning my judgement?!" My father roared as James bowed his head.

"No I am judging Lake's intentions for Chrystal. She is too special to trust him with her care," James spat as Lake stiffened next to me. I could see that Lake's restraint was waning.

"James if you are that afraid go with and help her. She needs to know what is coming for her and when," my father snapped as James conceded though he didn't want to. James left to pack as Lake and I went to my room to pack my things. I grabbed three pair of jeans and three long sleeved shirts. I grabbed a heavy jack putting them in the suitcase. I pulled winter hiking boots on as Lake watched me. I felt a blush spread across my face as he smiled at me.

"Chrystal, I need to talk to you," Lake said as I gave him my full attention. "Chrystal, I have intense feelings for you, good feelings, I like you as more than a friend." Before I could respond to him James returned.

"Lake you got everything?" James asked as I looked at him.

"I'll go pack my stuff and be back in ten," he said as James approached me.

"Chrystal I know you have feelings for him but I don't trust him. He doesn't seem to care for you as much as he says," James said once Lake left. "Chrystal, I care for you. You aren't just a job to me anymore and for that reason I am in danger. Your father says guardians must be cold without emotions to cloud their actions but with you I can't. You are kind and warm a million things I thought I could never find but somehow I found them in you. Chrystal I am hopelessly falling for you." I stood frozen paralyzed by my emotions. They both cared for me, both declared their feelings and here I was caught in the middle.

"James," I sighed my heart began to tear in two. "I need some time to think."

"Chrystal, I will wait for you always," James said firmly. He was risking his life to tell me this but all I could think about was how strong my feelings were toward Lake, but which was stronger...

Who do you guys ship, Chake or Jrystal?

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