Ch. 14 Family Bonds

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I pulled my hair back into a ponytail before walking to find James. He was arguing with his father when I found him.

"You can't expect me to leave her without telling her," James snapped harshly. "I not going to let her think I don't love her."

"I order you to leave now," his father roared as my magic flowed from me knocking his father across the room. James gasped looking toward me.

"Leave him alone," I said firmly as James took my hand to stop me from doing more damage.

"You are going to pay for that little girl," his father spat getting to his feet. James shoved me to the side as his father's magic hit him. James fell to the ground blood oozing from his chest.

"James," I squeaked scrambling to his side. He coughed grasping my hand.

"Run," he gurgled as tears spilled down my cheeks.

"He's you son!" I screamed in anger as a deep and strange power swirling around us. This power was mine and I could see fear in his father's gaze.

"He shouldn't have gotten in the way," he said coolly. My power entered James's body as the blood slowed before finally, the wound closed.

"Chrystal," James said sitting up. His hands held me close as his father stepped back.

"Nothing to say anymore," I said harshly. I stood facing him when ten witches teleported in.

"Separate them!" He ordered. I was tossed through a wall hitting the ground with a groan. I tried to get up my body screamed in agony. I held my ribs as four witches stood over me. I felt their magic latch onto mine. They prevented me from using my powers. One pulled me to my feet dragging me over to James's father. I looked around for James but he was nowhere in sight. I limped up to his father but refused to look scared.

"She is hurt," the woman from the picture said softly.

"I know Grace, she deserves it," James's father spat. Grace looked at me sadly and I could tell she wanted to help me. "Chrystal because of your actions James will die tonight and you will watch."

"No!" I shrieked in utter terror, I couldn't lose him. Pain racked my body bringing me to my knees.

"Chrystal stop," Grace said giving me a firm glare. I felt defeated my head hanging limp. My necklace hummed with power though I knew it wouldn't be enough to save him. I looked up at his father not getting to my feet.

"Take me instead," I said as he looked at me for a moment. I prayed he would kill me in James's place.

"No, you are too valuable to kill, for now," he added as spots filled my vision. I hit the ground falling into the darkness.

"Chrystal," my father whispered. "You must wake up, the world needs you, James needs you if he is going to live. Without you, he would be dead already."

"Dad," I gasped the pain hitting me in waves. I wanted to give in to the sweet, painless death around me but somehow I resisted it. "I can't save him."

"You are stronger than you think you are and James's father knows it," my father said as I felt the magic filling me. The power was healing me.

"She's waking up," Grace said as my eyes snapped open. I was on a bed in a room with dark red walls. "Chrystal, are you okay?"

"How could I be okay? James is dying!" I sniped harshly as Grace looked down.

"Oh Chrystal, I tried to protect you, to keep you safe. I took you in but once I knew how strong you were I knew you would never be safe here. You should have stayed away," Grace said with tears in her jade eyes. She took the necklace into her hand looking at it. "I gave you this to hide you from Mark's eyes. He would kill you just to take your magic or worse turn you into a slave, our order is broken."

"Why didn't you leave a note explaining?" I asked as she stood.

"Had I left a note I would have put myself in danger and made sure you died on arrival," Grace said when Mark, James's father, walked in. I was relieved that he seemed not to have heard us.

"It's time," he said grabbing my arm. He dragged me into the altar room. There were torches along the old walls and a stone table in the center of the room. I saw carvings on the table and wondered what they meant. I found James pinned to a table. I tried to pull away from Mark but I couldn't. Mark's grip was secure on my bicep.

"I love you," James called to me as he read my pain. "I would die a thousand times for you if I had to."

"James I love you," I cried as Mark smirked beside me. A man standing next to James raised a knife above him. I felt my power pound against the magical chains before it blasted out of my body hitting the man. Mark gasped as I turned sending a jolt through him. I ran to James. My hands glowed as I grabbed the chains around his arms melting them. James got up his hand on my waist as Mark looked at me with disbelief.

"I will get your power and I will kill him, that's a promise," Mark spoke as fire started inching toward us. We were in the center of a circle of fire. James held me tightly against his chest as my power spread around us. My power almost sung with its intensity. The fire hit an invisible barrier unable to come closer to us. I saw rage fill Mark's features as the fire pushed harder against the wall.

"Chrystal, this is madness. Stop!" Grace demanded but I didn't care. I wasn't the one to start this battle but I will be the one to finish it no matter what. James held me protectively against his body as his magic added to mine. We were stronger together than we ever could be alone. He was my other half that much was clear but would our fight end up being a losing battle.

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