Ch. 29 Training

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I woke early in the morning. I climbed out of bed careful not to wake Lake. I conjured black jeans and a red silk tank top. I pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail as I rushed down the stairs.

"Grace," I called to her. She stepped into the room with a smile.

"Yes Chrystal," she said as I faced her.

"Can you train me how to fight with my dark magic?" I asked her softly. "I'm still not used to the darkness yet."

"Alright, meet me outside and I'll help you," she said as I walked out the back door. I leaned against a tree waiting for Grace. I conjured a small flame allowing the fire to dance across my skin. "You ready?" Grace said pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yep," I said walking toward her.

"First rule of dark magic is its fueled by anger and you have to want to use the full power," Grace said firmly. Grace blasted me off my feet as I gasped. I rolled over getting to my knees sending the power back at her. She laughed but stayed stationary. "I barely felt the magic you used." I winced getting to my feet trying to hit her again. She took one step back but again stayed on her feet. "Chrystal focus!"

"I'm trying," I snapped as my annoyance grew. I channeled the irritation into my powers before launching the energy into her. She gasped crashing against a tree. She groaned getting up slowly.

"Angry are we now?" She muttered limping toward me.

"Do you want me to heal you?" I asked as she nodded. Blood dripped down from the corner of her mouth. I reached up picturing her healed. She turned toward the house.

"You are ready," she said leaving me outside. I conjured a gun aiming at a tree. I fired four rounds all of them hitting the same spot. I sighed unsure what to do now. Deciding I had nothing better to do I entered the house heading straight for the kitchen. I grabbed a box of cereal putting them in a bowl. I added milk before taking a bite. The sweet taste reminded me of home, my old home growing up. The home where I was normal and still wanted to be a teacher. I pushed the weak emotions away turning my attention to my cereal. I sat at the marble kitchen island eating the food.

"Hey babe," Lake said kissing my cheek. "Really, cereal?"

"Don't mess with my cereal!" I teased taking another bite. He grabbed a spoonful of my food causing me to glare. "Get your own."

"Why? Eating yours is more fun," Lake smirked as I shoved another scoop into my mouth. I finished my cereal quickly before facing Lake. "You have a stick in your hair." Lake laughed pulling the twig from my hair.

"I was training with your mom earlier, let's just say I landed on my ass in the first few seconds," I said reluctantly. He took my hand pulling me off the stool.

"Are you worried about fighting Freya?" He asked as I stayed silent. I refused to admit the fear I felt. "You don't have to worry about her. If you are really that worried you could remain here and I'll come get you after."

"No I should be there," I said firmly though I wished I could stay at the safe mansion. I couldn't risk losing this battle by hiding at home. Lake caressed my cheek a smile tugging at his lips.

"You are more interesting than any I have met before and I hang out with demons," he said softly as our eyes locked. I expected to find a warmth in his eyes but instead I found a cold calculating look in his eyes. When we first met he was warm and caring but now he felt distant and cold, what happened to him? I pushed the thoughts away thinking I was paranoid. He loved me and wouldn't lie to me.

"I love you," I said as his lips pressed against mine briefly.

"We are attacking today," he said as I nodded. He walked away leaving me alone in the kitchen. I pinched my nose fighting against my humanity. I had to calm myself or my powers would be useless. I took a deep breath before walking up to the bathroom. I started the water taking my clothes off. I stepped into the tub as the warm water hugged my body. I leaned back letting the liquid release my stress. Today everything was going to change, today was the day where I could win or lose everything but either way nothing would be the same. After an hour I climbed out conjuring on black jeans, a tight purple tank top, and a black leather jacket. The perfect outfit for a dark queen about to fight for her home. I headed down the stairs where everyone stood grabbing weapons. I went right for the sword. The sword had a black blade with a silver design. I couldn't resist the simplicity of a sword. The sword to me was dependable, there was no way for the sword to malfunction.

"Lake," I smiled as he reached me. His arm snaked around my waist pulling me against his side. "Are they ready?"

"Yes. We are on schedule," he said as I watched the joy fill the room. The demons and dark witches were excited by the thought of killing everything light. My heart pounded in my chest as my hand gripped the sword tightly turning my knuckles white. My nerves built as I watched everyone prepare for the final fight. I looked down pushing my feelings aside for the millionth time today. "Today we reclaim our freedom!" Lake yelled as our army cheered.

"Lake," I whispered as he looked at me waiting for me to continue. I kept my voice level hiding my concerns as I spoke. "I love you!" He smiled at me facing the army.

"Follow us," he said teleporting with me in his arms. This was it, no turning back...

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