Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I’m watching the news conference which looks like its being filmed in district 1. Paylor steps up to the podium and says that Peeta, Gale, Taylor, and Katniss are criminal escapees and are Panem’s most wanted. Peeta and I look over at Taylor who is scared to death. I know she is because Peeta and I have already been on the most wanted list but she hasn’t. She calms down and we turn the TV back on just in time to see Coin say,” Hey Katniss I killed your sister and now I am going to kill your family.”

The lights go out and I hear a lot of kicking and screaming and then the lights come back on. Taylor, Gale, Peeta, Fin, and Rue are all gone. I am freaking out and that’s when the TV turns on by itself and there is Paylor who says,” I am in control and now that you are alone nothing can stop me!” I turn the TV off in frustration and then the phone rings and I pick it up,” Hello?” All I can hear in the background is screaming and then a familiar voice says,” Hi Katniss remember me its Plutarch.” I say,” Wow is every one turning on me except for my own friends and family?”

“Katniss it’s Paylor I wanted to tell you that if you are not in the capitol in two weeks then I will kill your friends and family.” The phone line then goes dead. I take a glass bottle and throw it across the room and it shatters and piece of the glass ricochets and jabs into my left arm. I scream in pain while running to the first aid kit. I slowly take out the glass shard out of my arm and its bleeding everywhere. The doorbell surprisingly rings and it is Gale’s mother who was wondering where gale was.

She comes in and helps me wrap up my arm. I tell her about what happened and she is freaking out. “Don’t worry I’m going to the capitol and rescuing them.” She looks at me and says,” Okay Katniss just please be careful you are very injury prone.” I agree with her though because I have a bandage on my left arm and a leg brace on so it’s kind of difficult to walk. I tell her to watch over Buttercup who is in my room asleep.

She agrees and I walk out the door and board a train that goes to each district and stops for a day. I’m doing this because I am getting some help from a couple of friends of mine that live in other districts. The train stops and I get off and district 11 looks the same as it did a couple of weeks ago. I limp to Grayson’s house who was best friends with Thresh.

I ring the doorbell and he opens the door and says,” Hey Katniss what a surprise to see you here come in.” I walk in and his house is absolutely beautiful. He looks at me and says,” What brings you to district 11?” I told him that my family had been kidnapped and I was headed to the capitol. I asked him,” You want to join me?” he says,” yeah ill join you I don’t want to see you lose your family like I did.” It hits me

I forgot that snow killed all of Grayson’s family last year. He asks me why I was limping so badly. I told him that I was interrogated by President Paylor and I wouldn’t talk and she took a knife and jammed it into my leg. I also told him about my arm and my anger issues. Rue has the same problem that I do. We have to hold her down at times for her to calm down.

He looks at me and says,” Oh I hope it feels better Kat.” That’s what he calls me and he is the only one that calls me that. “Thank you.” “Well, we better get back to the train.” Grayson and I walk toward the train just talking about life. We board the train and tell the engineer to go to district 10. He looks at me and says,” hey put your leg up on the table; it will make it feel better Kat.” I put my foot up and I said that’s better. I drift asleep as I think about Peeta.

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