Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Paylor is looking at me with an evil look and her enforcers are standing behind me with knifes. I look down at the cut across my leg which is tied up with a white towel. She looks at me and says,” So, why are you in district 10?”

I say, “Well for starters Taylor tried to approach me in the woods and I chased her down and asked her who she was and she told me that she was related to glimmer.” Paylor looked very interested in my story so she grabbed a chair and took a seat and said,” Continue”.

Before I could get in my next word the door exploded and Gale, Peeta, and Taylor came rushing in and took down the president and her enforcers. Peeta looked at me and said,” Come on.” I looked at him and said,’’ I can’t walk they cut my left leg.” I took of the towel and Peeta was shocked.

He picked me up and carried me out and I was slipping in and out of consciousness until I could see we were in district 11 and I passed out from the pain of the cut. I woke up and I realized I was back in my bed back in district 12. I looked down at my leg and it was wrapped up in bandage and I tried to sit up but somebody forced me back down slowly.

I looked over at Taylor and she said,” Don’t move your back was hurt by the explosion.” I then realize where the pain in my lower back came from. Peeta comes through the door with what looks like an ice pack and a back rest. ” What’s in the bag? ,I ask.” He says,” A back brace and a leg brace to help you stand up better.” He unwraps the bandage from my leg puts a new one on and puts the brace on my leg. He then tells me to sit up and as much pain as this causes I do and he puts the brace on my back. I slowly stand up while Peeta and Taylor help. I stand up for a second and then my leg gives out and I’m on the floor. Peeta and Taylor help me get back into the bed and Peeta asks Taylor to leave.

Peeta looks at me and says,” Hey you need to get some rest we will try this again tomorrow.” I say,” Yeah you’re right I know I just wish my leg wasn’t killing me right now.” He gives me some medicine and I then realize that he gave me sleep medicine and the last thing I hear him say is I love you. I wake up and see that Peeta is by my side watching me and Taylor is braiding my hair like my mom used to do it. I look into Peeta's eyes and we hold hands and Taylor blushes.

Fin and Rue come rushing in and Fin has a cup of coffee and Rue has an icepack. I look at them and say,” For me?” They give the coffee and icepack to me and I place the icepack on my leg. I take a sip of the coffee and it is dark black, just the way I like it. Peeta tells the kids to leave and they skip out of the room. Taylor finishes braiding my hair and hands me a mirror and I look beautiful. I stand up and realize that sleep medicine Peeta gave me was also back reliever. I look over at Peeta and he is smiling knowing that his plan worked but my leg still hurts like there is no tomorrow.

He takes the dirty bandage off and puts a new one on there and he helps me walk down stairs and gale and Taylor are talking. We notice that they are holding hands and we sigh and I look at them and say,” Are you two going out?” Taylor responds by kissing gale. Well I'm glad you two are happy I say. Just then Snow and Coin and Paylor pop up on the TV screen.

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