August 22, 2017 - Final Junior Year Update

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Ughhh, I guess I should finally call this the last chapter for Junior Year. Considering school starts in less than a week...

I guess I should summarize my junior year of high school. Well... It was definitely a ride. So much happened. Between drama (literal and figurative :P), major life decisions, family drama, PASSING THE GODFORSAKEN KIDNEY STONE THAT I CALL PAIN, and dying my hair purple earlier this year, I've had my fill of experiences. And stress. I might as well change my middle name to stress, considering that's pretty much all that I do.

I'm glad I can put last year behind me and begin anew for the final time before life happens. I am so stressed about what will happen after everything, but I'm trying to come up with something to distract me. It has not been easy.

I don't know if I've discussed this before, but my grandma is severely bipolar. Diagnosed and everything. She doesn't treat it correctly, and it is very difficult to deal with her pretty much anytime of the day, week, month, year, and any other measurement of time you can come up with. She is always up me and my mom's asses about money and we're basically not allowed to leave the house right now unless we have some sort of appointment. I do not like being stuck in my house in the summer. So I'm kinda going crazy right now.

My depression has been on and off, and my anxiety has been the same. Luckily we upped my meds again, so maybe it'll help. I pretty much am living off Icon For Hire. I definitely think that their music was what I needed right now to get through my situation.

But I am looking into some more schools and really thinking about what I want to do with my life. It all has it's ups and downs, and I'm really trying to survive and not kill anyone. So yeah. Happy times.

I'll have school updates soon, though. I plan on working on my Comp essay like... Thursday or Friday... Still really need to work on that... We'll see.

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