July 6, 2017 - Update on my Health

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Well, we had to go to the ER again on Sunday because the pain in my side was growing and would not cease. After awhile at the ER we found out that I actually have a Kidney Stone that is being a stubborn little asshole and that refuses to pass. I also have a some other kidney stones in my kidney, and they may or may not pass in my lifetime. All I can tell you is that this one hurts like shit.

So yeah, after a CT scan, two attempts at an IV, and a whole bunch of meds and other stuff, I was very tired that night to say the least. According to many adults, male or female, the pain of a kidney stone is pretty much the 2nd rated pain compared to child birth. I'm doing pretty damn good for practically having kidney contractions (Imma coin that term :P). Kidney stones aren't seen too much in children, but it isn't impossible.

Thankfully it hasn't been hurting as bad. I honestly don't know if the goddamn thing has passed or not, but I don't feel like dying. So that's a plus. I've just been taking it easy and I've been making sure I don't put too much weight on my right side.

I had to go to the Urologist today and we just kinda got introduced to people, and they set up an Ultrasound for the 17th to see what's up in my kidney. I was literally the youngest person there... My mom was the second youngest, and she is 38. Pretty much everyone else was elderly... It was very awkward to say the least.

Other than that, everything has been more or less okay. Just normal things to stress about, but home hasn't been that bad lately. I'm just trying to figure some things out for myself.

So, here's to hoping everything is alright with my kidney. My fingers are definitely crossed that it doesn't hurt much longer.

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